Search results

  1. AndrewS

    Wanted: Android App to show real time consumption data

    Hi, I'm looking for an app which shows a realtime display of the actual consumption/use of energy while driving, like an old fashioned 'economy gauge' . I've tried Car Scanner (the free version) but it doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for. I've got an ODB bluetooth adapter, so it's just an...
  2. AndrewS

    Android Apps like EV Watchdog

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows of any Android Apps like "EV Watchdog"? I think it's really for Kia EVs. It looks like it's got great ability to record, and display, all sorts of useful data about trips and driving. I've got a particular need for being able to track and display exactly how...
  3. AndrewS

    The "Coffee Cup" alert.

    Well today I got the "coffee cup" and "bongs" ? . I'd no idea what they were for as (as is normal) the actual text of the alert flashed on and off the drivers display faster than can be read.... As I'd been driving for about 2 1/2 hours I worked out that my MG was nagging me to take a break!!
  4. AndrewS

    Charging on the M6 Southbound

    Hi all, fresh from the fabulous ecoRally Scotland round and about the NC500, I'm now heading from Perth to Stratford-Upon-Avon and then meandering back via Ulverston and Blyth Bridge. This is the first time I've taken my MG4 on a real trip (other than doing the NC500 last week). Any...
  5. AndrewS

    Taking part in the ecoRally Scotland

    Hi all, just posting to say hello and that I'm taking part in the ecoRally Scotland on the 22nd/23rd of August. I'll be driving my bog standard MG4 SE LR for this. What's an ecoRally I hear you ask? They're events run by the FIA for road going production electric vehicles. They are rallies...
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