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  1. Severnless

    Care to share your Valuation?

    just wondering what offers you’re getting from the usual suspects? mine:=Mg 5 exclusive standard range 21 plate 2800 miles the best one I’ve had by far is from cazoo so will stick with them for now Today it was £45 less than I paid so £22950 2 days ago it was £200 off if I get offers over £1k...
  2. Severnless


    Well done MG, I’ve finally received the addendum page you want me to put in the cars manual, just a shame it’s just on a bit of printer paper and I have to cut it out then stick it in. So it’s cost you some ones time to write a letter x2, envelope x2, second class stamp x2. When all you had to...
  3. Severnless

    Auto charging!?

    Just tried the auto charge on the way back from merry hill shopping centre after getting a free charge as well!! Managed to add 30% using the pod point charger, but nothing from the auto charge (maybe next time use a funnel?)............apart from flies!!!!!? How many times have you tried to get...
  4. Severnless

    Spotted in the wild

    A white MG5 In Builth wells car park on those type 2 charge post (dragon power) ( very expensive and sloooowwww) If you are reading this, You need to go down the road to Llandovery castle car park as the ccs rapid charger is on free vend!
  5. Severnless

    MG5 insurance

    Going to pick my car up on Saturday (very excited ?) so I’ve been on the insurance Merry go round.. trying to get a decent quote under £500 Eventually went with Churchill at £420 What a palaver, none of the online comparison sites would work as the reg no is so new, they don’t recognise it...
  6. Severnless

    Full house!

    Well ive just paid for my new car! Another Mg this time a brand new MG5 in red, to go with our ZS which we’ve had for almost 12months and love. So now I’ve just got to mot the Merc and put up for sale. I have been looking for a new (to me) electric car for a few months, as I’ve been so impressed...
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