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  1. ptw

    MG3 Hybrid fuel cap is very difficult to open

    I'm sure others must be having this problem. My wife is unable to undo the fuel cap filler, even I struggle. I have tried tightening it by one click and then undoing it, not sure this makes any difference. I am currently looking into modding some sort of lever/spanner device so my wife can undo...
  2. ptw

    Daylight saving change

    Today (27th October) in the UK clocks go back an hour. Now the MG3, and others, are supposed to change automatically. If yours hasn't it's probably because they didn't do the pre-delivery inspection (pdi) properly and left it set at the first default city (it's something beginning with A) which...
  3. ptw

    Controlling the heating system

    I can't seem to get the heating right. I presumed full auto would be the norm, but it's far too blowy and doesn't heat the interior, the fast fan just creates cold air So I switched off auto and put the fan on number 1 the lowest at 23c and it seemed ok, tried 24c but it got very hot, whereas...
  4. ptw

    Does Intelligent Speed Limiter (TSR) disable regeneration

    This topic was being discussed in another post about dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition but I think it needs a separate thread. I have found that using the intelligent speed limiter appears to disable the brake regeneration. I have the regeneration always set to 3, so perhaps it...
  5. ptw

    Combining dynamic cruise control and traffic sign recognition

    I think it would be a game changer for MG if the Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) and Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) systems worked together to automatically adjust speed in response to changing traffic signs. Integrating these two systems would significantly enhance driver convenience and safety...
  6. ptw

    Speed limit recognition is dodgy

    It should work, but many times it doesn't. There are a lot of stories of it picking up the wrong speed limit from Wheelie bins with numbers on (or any sign with white lettering), side road speed limits in error. I suppose it's trying to do it's job, but on a straight major road I travel it mises...
  7. ptw

    Indicators not cancelling properly

    New MG3 Hybrid. Unless your turning is not virtually right angles the indicators do not self cancel, very noticeable on roundabouts. Anyone know his to fix that, or is if a workshop thing
  8. ptw

    Which is best to use the built in MG Navigation or Android Auto

    Just got the new MG 3 Hybrid Trophy. I have Sygic on my phone and it does pick up ok through Android Auto but it is very clunky, I have to set my route or any destination really on my phone first and then connect it with the USB cable, but frequently it loses the mapping. In contrast the MG...
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