12 volt battery

A lantern battery is a rectangular battery, typically an alkaline or zinc-carbon primary battery, used primarily in flashlights or lanterns. Lantern batteries are physically larger and consequently offer higher capacity than the more common torch batteries. Lantern batteries comprise multiple cells inside a housing.
The most common variant in the US is the 6-volt square-base battery with spring terminals. In Europe the most common one is the 4.5-volt flat pack.

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  1. M

    12 volt Battery charging

    Hi all, I like to keep the 12 volt battery in any vehicle I have maintained. There doesn’t seem to be a really accessible grounding point in the boot of the Hybrid+ (apart from the negative of the battery, which is generally considered safer to avoid), does anyone know if the battery can be...
  2. S

    12 volt battery replacement query

    The 'resting' voltage on my battery is now down to 12.1V so, coupled with the low battery message when the accessories phase is on for more than a few minutes, I feel it is time for a new one (car is 4 years old with original battery) The easy option would have been to pop down to Halfords but...
  3. F

    Discharged 12 volt battery

    Hello, I would like to have information on the problems of a discharged 12 volt battery, which causes the vehicle to be immobilized.... Many MG3 owners have had this problem. Is there a fix applied by MG so that this no longer happens?
  4. Stuart Wright

    12v battery problems, causes and solutions

    From our podcast 8th July 2024 where we discuss 12 volt battery problems, causes and solutions. 1. 12V BATTERY GOES DEAD MG5 (FL) 12V Battery Drain Dead 12V battery - any help and advice please? 12V Battery dead, how to charge? MG4 battery always dead after holiday PROBLEM: The 12V battery...
  5. mj224

    Struggling a bit with the EO charger and now a flat 12 volt battery

    Elsewhere on this site, I have been moaning about an EO charger that seems to be duff. Last night, the Charger switched on as per schedule, but did not charge. This morning, the 12 volt was flat enough not to switch on the car. I imagine that the charger switched on the 12V circuits, which then...
  6. CrustEE

    Radio failure and 12V battery failure

    It's been an annoying and interesting few days. Firstly, the radio tuner packed up. I had read somewhere that a 12V reset would probably fix it, but instead of doing this myself I thought that the dealer should do this during the upcoming first year service. During the service, the dealer stated...
  7. John1941

    12 volt battery

    MG4 locked overnight, lights seen on in morning then went out. Had to open door manually. 12 volt battery flat, how could this happen?
  8. A

    12 volt battery

    The 12 volt yellow battery warning message displayed today and I had to switch off and on several times before the car would boot up as normal. Why does this happen ?
  9. M

    Charging Fault with 12V Battery

    Hi, I have a 71-plate ZS-EV and had an issue during the cold snap, where the 12V battery ran flat and the car wouldn’t start. I have managed to re-charge the battery to 100%, but now there is a fault light and message appearing, saying that there is a fault with the car charging the battery. I...
  10. bdeithrick

    Airport parking in Winter. -3 to 3°C

    So I am parked at the airport for 3 weeks. It’s -2°C some nights. I’m confident the battery is in good condition as I use smart charger the odd time to condition it. Question is. If I log in once a week to preheat the car to low enough temperature. Will the action start to charge the battery...
  11. JonEV

    Jump Starting an MG4 SR

    Hopefully someone a little smarter than myself knows the answer to this. I have the 12V drain issue which I should be resolved by a quick software update. However, until my local MG garage find the time to fit me in, am I okay to jump the 12V system using jump leads and a nearby ICE car (with...
  12. AndEV

    Charge Control Unit Failed - Dead 12V Battery

    I had an incident on Sunday when the dash came up with warnings about the 12V battery voltage being low (around 11.3V initially), and telling me to pull over. I wasn’t far from home, so headed back, but the battery voltage eventually went into free fall, then the whole car died. Recovered the...
  13. Poalua

    Jump Starting MG5

    The other day our 5 would not start. Pressed the start button and various lights flashed on the dash. On the second attempt, literally nothing happened! We called MG assist and an AA guy arrived very quickly and diagnosed a flat 12v battery, there wad plenty of charge in the traction battery...
  14. C

    2019 MG ZS EV 12V Battery - which type?

    Hi everyone, I need to replace the 12V battery in my 2019 MG ZS EV but no one seems to know which type I need, can anyone help out, please? Am I right in thinking this one will work? (AGM027)...
  15. A

    12V Battery dead, how to charge?

    Hi All, My 12V battery is dead and I can't start anything on the car. I got in with the key. Is there a way to open the charging cap so I can connect the car to my charger? The car's main battery has %70 charge and I used the car 2 days a go.
  16. R

    12V battery charge level

    So, a week before Xmas my mg5 mk1 died showing HV errors etc and the 12V battery was showing at 11.7V. No amount of jumpstarting etc would bring the car back to life. The AA dragged it off to the dealer and after they've replaced the 12V battery everything appears to be working again. When...
  17. R

    MG ZS 12V battery SoH

    So yesterday my MG5 got carted off to the dealership on the back of an AA van for what appears to be a fault with the charging of the 12V battery. My 21 plate ZS has the 12V battery gauge on dash and that's currently showing just over half full - what are people's experiences with this gauge...
  18. Smokeysworld

    12v battery drained, cant get recharged

    Hello all. So, I have read a couple of threads on this forum but can't seem to find the resolution I need. I left my lights on my mk1 MG ZS EV overnight and the 12v battery is completely dead. I have a full sized booster (the 8in1 type from Halfords) which I have tried to use. I got into my...
  19. G

    Can I use this 12V battery on my MG4?

    I see most people use this 12 V on non EV. But this is what the the dealer recommended. The size is correct, but can anyone tell if this is suitable for the MG4? https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/exide/ea472/reviews/
  20. spence7788

    Trophy 64 12v battery type / size?

    Before I measure it properly etc. myself just wondering if anyone knows for sure the correct battery type or size for a Trophy? Cheers
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