2nd service

The 2nd Special Service Brigade was formed in late 1943 in the Middle East and saw service in Italy, the Adriatic, the landings at Anzio and took part in operations in Yugoslavia.
On 6 December 1944 the Brigade was renamed 2nd Commando Brigade, removing the title Special Service and its association with the Schutzstaffel.

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  1. MG4London

    2nd service

    Our first service was about £120, now they are quoting us twice that for our second one. I asked for breakdown of all costs and then asked to take out replacement of batteries in key fobs and to take out the replacement of pollen filter. They still say about £200, is this high? Also I have a...
  2. Willie

    2nd Service

    Our MG ZS underwent its second service yesterday with no advisories, it was carried out by Dicksons of Inverness at a cost of £135 (low mileage). The service cost included a courtesy car and a health check video of the underside of the car, it also included an update of the AA roadside rescue...
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