
An accident is an unintended, normally unwanted event that was not directly caused by humans. The term accident implies that nobody should be blamed, but the event may have been caused by unrecognized or unaddressed risks. Most researchers who study unintentional injury avoid using the term accident and focus on factors that increase risk of severe injury and that reduce injury incidence and severity. For example, when a tree falls down during a wind storm, its fall may not have been caused by humans, but the tree's type, size, health, location, or improper maintenance may have contributed to the result. Most car wrecks are not true accidents; however, English speakers started using that word in the mid-20th century as a result of media manipulation by the US automobile industry.

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  1. M

    Seriously tough vehicle!

    A short update on my own positive MG4 experience, just to offset some of the more irritating experiences reported in the forum... A few months back I managed to reverse our MG4 into a culvert (yes, really, really stupid!). The bottom of the car was wedged on a large rock, the offside rear...
  2. Bricktop X PWR

    Did you know? ACC/TJA

    I'm only asking because this is the first time in 11700 miles that it's happened to me. And I only discovered it by accident. Oh, and a quick scan using the search tool came up blank. I thought that you could only change between ACC or TJA in the settings on the dash. Not so it would seem...
  3. L

    Body repairs

    Hi all,hope all is good, Just a quick one,had a car accident on motorway,drink driver hit my MG4 long range 23 plate with only 4500 miles,smashed into my off side rear corner,wrecked the suspension,wheel,inner and outer 1/4 panel,rear passenger door,bumper,just looking at costs for repairing as...
  4. V

    Mg3 Hybrid Luxury Car accident in the 8th day of ownership

    Hello I ve been in a mild accident and my front bumper and my left headlight have been damaged and needs replacement. My car dealer said that both together costs 1900€ / 1980 US Dollars and it costs 600€ for the installation. What do you thing about the pricing? I think it to high. Please tell...
  5. G

    Almost knocked down a pedestrian on Christmas Eve

    In the Christmas crowd season, I had a pedestrian walk out in front of my very slow moving MG3 Hybrid, as I was trying to leave parking space. He was walking on the road, not at a marked intersection. Of course my car does not make any noise as it inches forward, but in reverse it certainly...
  6. D

    Another run away ZS EV?!

    Just spotted this news report. Sounds like a case of user error? Coincidence that the first reaction again is "I'll never step in another EV car"?!
  7. securespark

    Makeshift Ambo!

    Went on an overnight trip to Lancashire to help parents in law empty their static. Got home fully loaded on Friday, but realised we needed some juice to get home from Warrington. So we went to BP in Birchwood. The forecourt was painted with very smooth paint and it had been raining. As I took...
  8. Bricktop X PWR

    The Universe Giveth.....

    (Might be TLDR for the feeble) And the Universe taketh away. Just one example from me today...... When I got into the car this morning.... A 'bong' accompanied by a yellow steering wheel icon and the message Turn Steering Wheel greeted me. The only reason I didn't ignore it and drive off...
  9. Y

    Radio turns itself off after 3.5 mins.

    Hi I had an accident and my MG4 XPower has just been returned. The radio now turns itself off after 3.5 minutes (just stops playing the music, no other signs), and the only way to restore the radio is to turn off the display....which does instantly fix the radio.....for another 3.5 mins...
  10. L

    Wife induced accident

    Today my wife managed somewhat to make a 50cent coin slip into plastic cover where is safebelt's lower anchor point. There is no way to recover it without removing the panel. Thing that I'm not willing to do. Can this coin causes any harm?
  11. DaevM

    Burnt out Beemer

    Got stuck in a 45 minute jam on the A30 today....eventually crawled to where the hold up was. Waze stated it was an accident. It wasn't . It was a burnt out vehicle heading in the opposite direction. 1 x fire tender & 1 x cop car in attendance. Traffic chaos As we approached I worked out it was...
  12. E

    I had an accident and my car is not starting

    Hi, My car was involved in an accident. The airbags deployed. I want to start my car but it says on the screen "Danger Evacuate vehicle safety". According to my research a pyro fuse causes not to start the car. What can i do for this problem?
  13. Bam Bam

    Stupid careless Bam Bam

    Advice needed! I didn't clock a car parked in an unusual place in a car park without marked spaces and backed into it. Slow speed. Went inside and found the owner of the Audi who wasn't bothered. The damage seemed minor and all on the MG, which I drove away without any issues. Got it home...
  14. DaevM

    Unexpected braking y'think ??

    So, looking through breakers and came across this (very) sad sight. Hopefully no-ones on here ? What do you reckon then looking at the damage ? Unexpected sharp braking ? ?
  15. Silver estate

    Abandoned /smashed ZS 24plt A5 Weedon NH

    I was driving down the A5 after Weedon northhants this morning and just after the power garage and before the pub there’s a front end shunted 24plt ZS in white with a London reg but also a police aware sticker on it ? Bad enough if your 24plt has been smashed , but even worse if it was stolen...
  16. PaulC82

    Car Accident… :(

    Gutted my ZS has been reversed into today in a retail park car park. The old boy who did it, his car is, predictably undamaged because he hit mine with his towbar! It’s done the lower rear drivers door, lower plastic sill piece, dented the rear lower arch/sill itself, wheel trim and damaged the...
  17. BeardedZs

    Whoops Hoorah.

    My wife pulled in too close to a wall and scratched the front wing of our ZS. Can you imagine how pleased I was that it wasn't me? ?
  18. R

    Accident Repair Costs

    I was involved in an accident today - another car changed lanes on a roundabout - for no apparent reason as we were both in lanes marked to go straight over - and didn’t look. The car needs two new doors, the bumper, wheel and sill are all damaged too along with the wheel trim. It seems to drive...
  19. K

    Long repair time

    Had my new car in August 2023, had an accident in November (not my fault), apparently the repair shop are still waiting for one part to be delivered.
  20. M

    E-Call function

    Hi. I've just accidentally clicked the SOS button in my car and it says something along the lines of (this number can't be reached please try again later) and it keeps trying to ring. Is there something wrong with the SOS? I'm thinking more like, what if I got into a crash, would it activate and...
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