
An address is a collection of information, presented in a mostly fixed format, used to give the location of a building, apartment, or other structure or a plot of land, generally using political boundaries and street names as references, along with other identifiers such as house or apartment numbers and organization name. Some addresses also contain special codes, such as a postal code, to make identification easier and aid in the routing of mail.
Addresses provide a means of physically locating a building. They are used in identifying buildings as the end points of a postal system and as parameters in statistics collection, especially in census-taking and the insurance industry. Address formats are different in different places, and unlike latitude and longitude coordinates, there is no simple mapping from an address to a location.

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  1. 5teep

    Interesting thought from another forum - satnav home address.

    It never occured to me that it might be an issue but somone mentioned that they were not comfortable setting their home address in the sat nav in case the car got stolen. It's something I've always done myself and it's never been a problem but their solution wea to just set the post code and...
  2. Gadget Geek

    Please post here the name and address of a dealership who has applied the Tesla supercharger update for free.

    As the previous post went off topic, please use this thread for listing those dealers who do the update for free. This will help anyone who is in range of one of those dealers to get the update. Also, listing your model of MG may be helpful.
  3. MG4EVLawyer

    Travel plan creation not working

    My MG iSMART App no longer allows me to search an address and send to the car. It used to work. All I get now is a random series of addresses. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks
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