app problem

COVID-19 apps include mobile-software applications for digital contact-tracing - i.e. the process of identifying persons ("contacts") who may have been in contact with an infected individual - deployed during the COVID-19 pandemic.Numerous tracing applications have been developed or proposed, with official government support in some territories and jurisdictions. Several frameworks for building contact-tracing apps have been developed. Privacy concerns have been raised, especially about systems that are based on tracking the geographical location of app users.
Less overtly intrusive alternatives include the co-option of Bluetooth signals to log a user's proximity to other cellphones. (Bluetooth technology has form in tracking cell-phones' locations.)
On 10 April 2020, Google and Apple jointly announced that they would integrate functionality to support such Bluetooth-based apps directly into their Android and iOS operating systems. India's COVID-19 tracking app Aarogya Setu became the world's fastest growing application - beating Pokémon Go - with 50 million users in the first 13 days of its release.

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  1. E

    MG iSMART issue (illegal AppSendDate, solved)

    I have tried to log into my app, which I used for over 1year now, but today it’s saying “illegal App Send Date” as anyone else had this problem?
  2. K

    iSmart 2.x merged; please use for all iSmart 2.x issues

    I have just set up mg iSmartApp and on scan of QR code from car, it is showing 2021 model while dealer has this as 2023 model in their record. MG iSMART app is picking 2021 with same VIN Code instead of 2023? Does anyone else have faced similar issue?
  3. 1

    QR Code not recognised

    I have had my ZS for a month and a half (2023 model EV) and no one at the dealership has a clue on how to deal with this problem. When I or anyone else try to bind the car to the app using the QR Code the only response we get is "QR Code not recognised." My car has never been registered with...
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