
April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Its length is 30 days.
April is commonly associated with the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.

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  1. M

    Retaxing car from 1st April Wider Involvement

    Firstly, I realise there is a thread on the Chat subforum but I am posting here to request those that have not forshortened their April tax year date to contribute to that thread. I used the 'no letter' route to tax my car on the 1st March. The application was accepted with a zero tax. The VED...
  2. nanomad

    EU MG4 (all variants) - Service campaign SC077 is out, improving lane assist performance

    No info yet on the modules impacted, more info to follow once I get the update done (or someone leaks the official PDF notice)
  3. Les burrows

    Road fund licensing from April 2025

    I think this video gives the best simplest and more concise explanation about road tax I have seen yet, have a watch in particular around four minutes into it could save you some money. Les
  4. W

    I think my car played an April Fools joke on me

    Powered up the car yesterday, I'd already driven a short distance, and the main display was upside down/mirrored.:ROFLMAO: It righted itself after about a minute. Touch buttons still worked in the proper place ie home button opened the car menu :rolleyes:
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