auto mode

An auto battler, also known as auto chess, is a subgenre of strategy video games that typically feature chess-like elements where players place characters on a grid-shaped battlefield during a preparation phase, who then fight the opposing team's characters without any further direct input from the player. The genre was popularized by Dota Auto Chess in early 2019 and saw other games in the genre released soon after by more established studios, such as Teamfight Tactics, Dota Underlords, and Hearthstone's Battlegrounds.

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  1. ptw

    Controlling the heating system

    I can't seem to get the heating right. I presumed full auto would be the norm, but it's far too blowy and doesn't heat the interior, the fast fan just creates cold air So I switched off auto and put the fan on number 1 the lowest at 23c and it seemed ok, tried 24c but it got very hot, whereas...
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