
Belron is a vehicle glass repair and replacement group operating worldwide across 34 countries and employing over 25,000 people. Headquartered in Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom, Belron's brands include Autoglass and Autoglass bodyrepair in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and Poland, Carglass in most of Europe, Safelite in the United States, O'Brien in Australia, Smith & Smith in New Zealand, and Lebeau and Speedy Glass in Canada.

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  1. Maverick

    MG 3 2024 Windshield Replacement

    MG 3 2024 Windshield Replacement Mine has a crack, and I’ve been searching online but can’t find any replacements available. I’m wondering how companies like Autoglass are handling this. If you’ve sourced one or know where to get it, please let me know. Any general thoughts and/or discussion...
  2. FunkyWorm

    AutoGlass; useless for MG4

    Had my rear window smashed and charge cable nicked yesterday; it happens. Go through to AutoGlass via the insurance only to be told they don’t hold any MG windows in stock and it would be at least five days. I live in a London terraced street with no off road parking and my wife uses the car...
  3. Ian Key

    Autoglass camera calibration

    This has been posted on Facebook. It seems Autoglass can now calibrate the cameras etc. after a screen replacement.
  4. F

    Windscreen woes

    Usually only a reader on the forum, but thought i should post this to let everyone know the issues to expect So when i was driving back from collecting my MG4 from Drive (very good customer service as when the car was delayed meaning they couldn't have it prepped for the collection date and...
  5. Bacarelle

    Windscreen replacement

    Unfortunately, adding to my problems with the 'Keep Lane Assist (LKA see separate thread) I suffered a windscreen stone chip and crack last Friday ! Never rains but it pours. Autoglass (via my Insurers) arranged to come out next Tuesday the 25 April but have now pulled back saying that a...
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