battery health

Battery recycling is a recycling activity that aims to reduce the number of batteries being disposed as municipal solid waste. Batteries contain a number of heavy metals and toxic chemicals and disposing of them by the same process as regular household waste has raised concerns over soil contamination and water pollution.

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  1. MattyS

    What is your usual charge range? (Trophy LR)

    I am just now getting used to my car, and I was just curious what everyones charge range is, and what you consider to be best for battery health/life? Currently my thinking is letting is get down to 40% or 50% then charge up to 80% and repeat then build in a 100% charge every couple of...
  2. Laurence Brown

    How long should the 12 volt, battery last ?

    We have had ther MG ZS for 40,000 miles and I am worried the 12 volt, battery will suddenly let us down - where and when we least expect it to. When driving the meter still shows a healthy charge, but really, a nearly four year old battery still functioning as if it were new?! The longetivity...
  3. C

    MG4 Trophy - Updated software and "Battery Health Mode" has disappeared & no "Battery Balancing Button"

    My car went into the garage last month as they are still trying to figure out why my digital key wont activate. While they had it in they did a software update. Ever since then my battery health slider has been missing. I used to set it to 80% so it would cut off charging at that but now I have...
  4. Semerkand

    MG4 51kWh LFP Battery Health

    Hi everyone! I'm second owner. It had 10500 (6524 mile) kilometers on it when I bought it and SOH was 93.64% . Now my car is 17500(10873 mile) km and SOH is 93.15%. There is a difference -0.49% in 7000 kilometers. I just wanted to hear your ideas and suggestions. First of all is it normal...
  5. X

    New Car Battery health issue

    I bought a new car (MG 4 Standard model 2022 ) and from the first day I noticed manufacturing defects such as air entering the car at high speeds. Unfortunately, the seller was a bit deceitful, he did not update the software and said the car is working, why do you want to update it! But all this...
  6. I

    Battery health mode

    I was wondering if this common to all MG4 models, or just my trophy. When I select “battery health mode “ in my vehicle, it always charges to 100% And the option no longer seems available under EV management in the app anymore? I also select 80% in the Octopus energy app and that also get...
  7. J

    Advice on new car choice - MG ZS EV... Or not?

    Hello everyone, potential new MG EV owner here. Hope you can all help with a few questions I have before I make the final decision. I'm looking at buying a used MG ZS EV as my next car (it will be my first foray into EVs). The options I've got are both 2021 pre-facelift and have reasonable...
  8. G

    Battery health going down!

    Just a post on what people think of my battery health, Just had my 2nd service and the state of charge was 79% and state of health 84% this is with 14k on the clock. TBH I’m pretty disappointed.
  9. fatih

    MG4 Battery Health

    Greetings to everyone from Turkey. After 29000 km, my battery health was 95.54%. Is this situation normal? My vehicle is MG4 standard range LFP. I usually charge it with 2.7 kW in my parking lot.
  10. nbenn

    Battery health after 1 year?

    I'm going for my first service tomorrow and I'm assuming I'll get a battery report for the first year. I'll be interested to see how it's degraded as compared to videos I watched prior to purchasing that outlined the typical losses seen in LFP batteries per year. I've a standard range but if...
  11. MG4London

    Before a long trip?

    Any ICE cars before a long trip I would check the water, oil and levels and do lots of checks everywhere. What should we check on an EV before a long trip? What should tire pressure be at ideally? Is the app accurate? It says 2.6bar on all of them but they look a tiny bit low
  12. J

    New to EVs

    I am new to EVs have just purchased a September 2020 registered MG ZS EV, I have checked the SOH of the battery and it’s 98.85%, does that sound about right for the car.
  13. PhilT

    Ambient temperature

    Ok. I’ve had my MG4 for two months and love it. But I get this message about battery ambient temperature. I choose to ignore it and press cancel. Am I doing right? What should I do ?
  14. Aussi55


    Hi everyone, Our 22 SR with 8k miles is now showing 94.45 % SOH. It has only been AC charged, frequently to 100% and not left at a low or high SOC. Now the weather is warmer I was expecting the GOM estimate to increase, however the best is 193 miles heater off and trip reset. I have never...
  15. K

    2021 Mk1 ZS EV average SOH

    Hi. I'm new to the forum and looking at buying a used MK1 ZS EV. I've looked at a 2021 model with 29000 kms and a battery SOH of 95.8% Is this what you'd expect from a 2 yr old car with that mileage? Just trying to get a good gauge on the average SOH for a 2 yr old MK1. This could be a useful...
  16. B

    Rapid Charge 100/150 KW

    My first time on the forum folks just a question my car is a long range model its only 6 months old and up to now home charge and occasionally use a 50KW rapid charger. With the upgrading to the 100/150 and even 300KW charging dose anyone know if it adversely effects the battery ?.Cheers
  17. A

    Battery Health check

    Looking at buying a nearley new MG ZS EV, the car driven only about 3k miles, Just wanted to check if there is a way how can I check the battery wear percentage on this car please?
  18. T

    Battery health setting will not change

    I have an MG4 standard range with LFP battery and when I charge overnight from my Zappi charger it always stops at 80 percent. Not a problem for most of my trips but occasionally I want a 100 percent charge but when I try to change the battery health setting on the car it seems to be fixed at...
  19. K

    Battery health

    We have had our LR trophy for about a month and are wondering if we should be keeping the battery above a certain level? I know we should only charge to 80% unless a long journey but am wondering if going below 20% is ok
  20. C

    MG Owners > 1 year .. Battery Health

    reaching out to owners who have had their MG ZS EV for a good year and put some decent mileage on their cars .... are you still experiencing good battery health i.e after a AC slow charge, are you still getting 450V and 163 miles range on normal? or are signs of battery wear setting in? thanks
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