battery indicator

A battery indicator (also known as a battery gauge) is a device which gives information about a battery. This will usually be a visual indication of the battery's state of charge. It is particularly important in the case of a battery electric vehicle.

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  1. C

    Battery indicator?

    Is there any sort of battery indicator on the trophy? I’d love to see how full / empty the battery is and adjust my driving accordingly. I know there is the watt consumption but I would like a battery percentage indicator..
  2. B

    Yellow battery gauge

    Can anyone advise why the battery level display has gone yellow instead of green?
  3. R

    12v battery SOC on MG4 2023

    I have taken delivery of an Mg4 Trophy. I took a test drive around Febuary 23 and I distinctly remember seeing a 12v battery SOC indicator. Can someone please tell me how / where to view this on the 2023 model. Surely it has to be there somewhere? A big Thankyou to all the people who have...
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