bigger wheels

"Big Wheels in the Moonlight" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Dan Seals. It was released in September 1988 as the second single from Seals' album Rage On. It peaked at number one, his ninth to do so. The song was written by Seals and Bob McDill.

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  1. FromParis

    Bigger wheels / rims on our MG3 Hybrid+

    Hi, here are some MG3's tuned by thai guys. 18 inches rims and bodykits are soooo gorgeous on the MG3, don't you think ? On that white model, we can see the carbon look covers for the mirors, coming from MG5 model. Bigger brakes are installed as well and the vehicule is 1.5 inch lower on...
  2. Les burrows

    Down under you get bigger Wheels and Batteries 77kWh

    According to this report from the Electric Viking in Australia the MG4 comes with far more choices including bigger wheels and one with 77kWh battery and it’s cheaper by some way, but most importantly listen to what he has to say about the dealers almost at the end around 14:35 into the video. Les
  3. Miles Roberts CG

    Bigger wheels, wider tyres, boy racer 4 life ?

    Hi all, Thought I could share a couple of photos of my (wife's) MG ZS EV, which has been lightly modified (initially by @shikoku14 ) with tints all round, and now by myself with the addition of some new wheels and tyres. The original wheel specifications from MG are 17" X 7", ET41, with...
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