bike rack

A bicycle parking rack, usually shortened to bike rack and also called a bicycle stand, is a device to which bicycles can be securely attached for parking purposes. A bike rack may be free standing or it may be securely attached to the ground or some stationary object such as a building. Indoor bike racks are commonly used for private bicycle parking, while outdoor bike racks are often used in commercial areas. General styles of racks include the Inverted U, Serpentine, Bollard, Grid, and Decorative. The most effective and secure bike racks are those that can secure both wheels and the frame of the bicycle, using a bicycle lock.
Bike racks can be constructed from a number of different materials. Durability, weather resistance, appearance, and functionality are extremely important factors when choosing the material of the bike rack. Construction materials include stainless steel, steel, recycled plastic, or thermoplastic. Each material has advantages and disadvantages, and each is unique in appearance from the others.

The visibility of the bike rack, adequate spacing from automobile parking and pedestrian traffic, weather coverage, and proximity to destinations are all important factors determining usefulness of a bicycle rack. These factors will help increase usage of the bike rack, and assure cyclists their bike is securely parked.

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  1. K

    E Bike Rack

    Hello...Can anyone confirm if there is a non tow bar 2 e bike - bike rack available for 2024 MG3 Hybrid...Ta
  2. Aidanw

    Muting rear parking sensors with bike rack

    Anyone know how to mute the rear parking sensors on a 2021 MG ZS EV? When I have the bike rack on with a bike, the rear sensors think it's about to hit something, so constantly beep loudly. Makes reversing down a long driveway very painful.
  3. Barfly

    Tow-Hitch for new MG3 hyybrid

    Has anyone had any information on availability and possible pricing of a tow-hitch for the new MG3? I would dearly like to place an order, had a test drive this week but I need a tow-hitch for my bike rack and small trailer. The homologation sticker on the door of the test vehicle I tried...
  4. B

    MG4 saris bike rack

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  5. J

    Rear parking sensors

    Hi, is it possible to switch off the rear parking sensors, as I want to fit a tow bar for a bike rack?
  6. M

    Roof bars

    I know a few have been asking about roof bars. Thule now do a set for the Mg4. They fit brilliantly, look good to. My bikes been on and the roof box will be on next week. Not noticed any loss in miles, but the weather is getting warmer
  7. Spacecadet Cat

    Strap on bike rack on the ZSEV?

    Hi everyone Does anyone happen to have any experience using a strap-on bike rack on the back of a ZSEV facelift? My rack has just arrived, my car has not (due "early April") and the image on the box indicated "no spoilers" (though the SUV mount image seems to have a little lip above the rear...
  8. JuziWomble

    Boot bike rack - recommendations

    Any Cyclists out here / if so … does anyone have any recommendations re tailgate / boot racks ?? I’m considering a Saris Bones 2/3 rack - based on the fact that the feet can cover the rear spoiler of a Trophy - as I’m questioning the Solo config re the spoiler & yeah I know we can’t use the...
  9. J

    Bike rack help

    Hi all, We’re brand new to EV cars so please excuse my ignorance! I’ve got an MG5 Exclusive and am looking for a rear mounted bike rack. Can anyone help?
  10. RichardC

    Bike Rack

    I am due to take delivery of an e-bike next week. Does anyone use an external bike rack that attaches to the rear of the car?
  11. AdamMGEV

    Rear boot bike rack?

    Can anyone help? I'm looking to get a rear bike rack for my MG5. Need space in the boot for the kids, too heavy to lift on the roof bars, so need a rear boot rack. As with most things MG5 EV doesn't show on any websites with compatible accessories... so what car would be as close to the MG5 EV...
  12. Simon Rogerson

    Which Bike Rack??

    Good morning just taken delivery of my ZSEV and wondered if anyone had some advice about bike rack for the back of the car. I currently have a Halfords 3 bike rack but not sure this would be suitable... anyone got any ideas?? Thanks
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