
A brake is a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system. It is used for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, wheel, axle, or to prevent its motion, most often accomplished by means of friction.

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  1. F

    Regenerating brakes and indicators

    I have an intermittent loud beeping system when applying brake or putting on passenger indicator. When car was put in for service no beeping and told no problem. Beeping returned any ideas of the cause. Garage doesn’t seem to know and wants my car for several days
  2. T

    Noisy brakes

    I have an issue with very squeaky brake been going on for nearly 9 months in this time the dealer has cleaned the brakes three times changed the pads ,then the disc's then I was informed it was because of the way I washed my so it did not get a wash for a month still the same problem on the next...
  3. boatbirder

    Grinding Brakes

    Hi to all, I've owned my MG3 Hybrid+ Trophy since August and have 3,800 miles on the clock. Recently I've had a problem with grinding rear brakes. When braking I get an horrendous grinding noise from the rear. It literally sounds like the brake pads are down to metal and are grinding on the...
  4. Bazzer44

    Service Cost

    Daughter having 4 year 40000 service on her MG ZS EV Anyone had this done lately who can give indicative costs please ? Had the brakes done on last year's service
  5. Jovik


    I've been reading about the brakes on an electric vehicle, some complaints about rusting pads and discs due to regenerative braking, is it possible to put gear selector in neutral to polish the rust back off the pads and discs?
  6. Andrew Murphy

    Mg4 x power squeaky brakes

    Had the car come up to a month , 'It's lightning fast" just got some forgiveable niggles Squeaky brakes [especially in reverse] Can't connect my car play? No rear passenger lighting Don't seem to be able to lower the volume of the lady who give s the alerts/sat nav I love the car would like...
  7. J

    Wipers come on when I brake!

    Hello all, As the title says really.. I have a MGZS EV Trophy long range, 23 plate. Yesterday my car started to something strange. Whenever I use the breaks, no matter how lightly, the front and rear wipers come on. It's not a short wipe, both front and back do a sort of half arsed, slow...
  8. Bricktop X PWR

    Alpine A290.

    This is pretty sexy I think. Special in a way the X Power isn't. (Ooo, Controversial Bricktop!) No, hear me out.... I love the way the wheels fit the arches. Proper performance brake caliper set up. Beautiful interior with quality materials. Looks like a nice place to be. Great styling...
  9. E

    Squeaky brakes

    Think it's the fronts. Picked up a new Xpower last week. Feature or a fault? Will they bed in?
  10. Andy Brooks


    Was wondering if anyone had made any interesting modifications to their mg3 hybrid yet? I am personally in the process of tinting brake/headlights, a bit of debating plus making the MG badges black and maybe getting the wheels blacked out still unsure though. Anyone else?
  11. Rockstar

    OPD, car rolls backwards when stopping on downhill slopes (merged thread)

    Hello, I am making a quick call to get your feedback on my use case. Every morning, I leave home (1) and activate the one-pedal (UC with OP only). On the downhill road (not depending charge level), my MG4 regenerates strongly in this phase with peaks to -25. The deceleration is not sufficient...
  12. G

    Squealing low speed brakes

    Our MG4 Essence LR makes a classic disc brake squeal during light low-speed application. Ok so it announces that somebody has returned home, but it is annoying. Even my first car, a Mazda 1500SS had "anti squeal springs" on the calipers and they never squealed. Has anybody else noticed this and...
  13. scoobeesnac

    Police ram runaway electric iPace after brakes fail on M62 (debunked)

    Just for balance - we know it's not just restricted to MG or electric vehicles ....
  14. RedandboX


    Hi all, has anyone had issues with their brakes squeaking, 3k in now, it went away but has come back louder, I’ve been mega busy so couldn’t get to the dealership and hoped it was bedding in but looks like I will have to make the effort soon. Cheers #teamcamdengrey
  15. Les burrows

    Interesting video about brakes and EVs

    This video is interesting I thought. Les
  16. Expat Ever

    Stationary but the power meter shows 3-5.

    Car on a flat road stopped as normal with 99% regen and light touch on the brakes to kill the last kph. Now waiting for a minute for the traffic to move so keep the brakes on to stop any creep**. The power meter is showing 3 or 4, sometimes higher, but I have no aircon, lights or anything else...
  17. B

    Brakes release timing and oil leak?

    Hey all, i've noticed something that feels a bit odd when i put my MG4 (72 plate) into drive or reverse mode from a parked position. Just throwing this out there for a sense check. When the car is parked the brakes are automatically applied. You then hold the brake pedal down and place the car...
  18. I

    Regen / Brakes

    Hi Everyone Waiting for delivery of my MG4 and just wondering how the regen works in terms of brake blend. Not talking one pedal driving, just normal 1-2-3-Auto type regen modes. If I have the car set to regen level 1, for example, then lightly brake as well, does that give more regen as...
  19. S

    Interesting/worrying story from Scotland - ZS with no brakes.

    Link copied from FB. Seems genuine at first glance...
  20. AndyNWuk

    Corroded rear brakes

    Just had my ZS EV turn 3 years old (70 plate) with only 6317 miles on the clock and today I took it into my dealer in Burnley for its 3rd service and First MOT. After leaving the car for an hour, I received a phone call from the dealer saying the mechanic says the back brake hubs are badly...
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