
In aviation, a brownout (or brown-out) is an in-flight visibility restriction due to dust or sand in the air.
In a brownout, the pilot cannot see nearby objects which provide the outside visual references necessary to control the aircraft near the ground. This can cause spatial disorientation and loss of situational awareness leading to an accident. Pilots have compared landing during brownouts to parallel parking an automobile with one's eyes closed.

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  1. Expat Ever

    Charging during a Brown Out

    Normal mains supply here in Thailand is 220v 50Hz, but this evening it's down to 214-215v - possibly due to the extensive flooding for the past couple of weeks here in Chiang Mai. The meter by my MG wall charger is showing 215V, 30.9A and a charge rate of 6.5kW See attached picture (the kWh...
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