
A buffer solution is a solution where the pH does not change significantly even on dilution or even if an acid or base is added at constant temperature. Its pH changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it. Buffer solutions are used as a means of keeping pH at a nearly constant value in a wide variety of chemical applications. In nature, there are many living systems that use buffering for pH regulation. For example, the bicarbonate buffering system is used to regulate the pH of blood, and bicarbonate also acts as a buffer in the ocean.

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  1. Ethernea

    Coil Spring Buffer Cushion - anyone tried?

    https://a.co/d/6ATalA6 So my brother recently got a Suzuki Swift and recommended me to consider these shock buffers to raise a bit the car, make the experience smoother and protect from bumps in the road. Honestly, my city got a loooot of potholes, bumps, and terrible "fixes" for these - so it...
  2. PaulC82

    Got the dreaded - - - on the GOM today!

    These colder temperatures really are a killler; got - - - on the estimated range remaining today for the first time. 6% state of charge remaining, but had two big hills to get up before I made it home. I was actually wondering if it would make it. Anyone know if there is a buffer below 0%?
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