
A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. The process of finding and correcting bugs is termed "debugging" and often uses formal techniques or tools to pinpoint bugs. Since the 1950s, some computer systems have been designed to deter, detect or auto-correct various computer bugs during operations.
Bugs in software can arise from mistakes and errors made in interpreting and extracting users' requirements, planning a program's design, writing its source code, and from interaction with humans, hardware and programs, such as operating systems or libraries. A program with many, or serious, bugs is often described as buggy. Bugs can trigger errors that may have ripple effects. The effects of bugs may be subtle, such as unintended text formatting, through to more obvious effects such as causing a program to crash, freezing the computer, or causing damage to hardware. Other bugs qualify as security bugs and might, for example, enable a malicious user to bypass access controls in order to obtain unauthorized privileges.Some software bugs have been linked to disasters. Bugs in code that controlled the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine were directly responsible for patient deaths in the 1980s. In 1996, the European Space Agency's US$1 billion prototype Ariane 5 rocket was destroyed less than a minute after launch due to a bug in the on-board guidance computer program. In 1994, an RAF Chinook helicopter crashed, killing 29; this was initially blamed on pilot error, but was later thought to have been caused by a software bug in the engine-control computer. Buggy software caused the early 21st century British Post Office scandal, the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British legal history.In 2002, a study commissioned by the US Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology concluded that "software bugs, or errors, are so prevalent and so detrimental that they cost the US economy an estimated $59 billion annually, or about 0.6 percent of the gross domestic product".

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  1. M

    iSmart v2.1.2 update 13/2/25

    Hi all. Just loaded the latest update for mg iSMART app and it doesn’t open. Any one else have that problem? I have just loaded the MG iSMART app update on my iPhone and the app won’t work. I press the mg app , it shows the MG icon page and then immediately reverts to the app. It won’t open...
  2. Chongma

    Another bug? Unable to select Reverse

    Hadn’t experienced this one before, was quite surprising. Parked the car into a driveway, locked it and came back out after 1hr. Tried to reverse out but couldn’t select Reverse. Just would not light up. Drive was fine, so was Neutral. Put the car into Drive, drove forward 1cm (not much room...
  3. tomsl

    Annoying satnav bug

    I am curious if any of you have the same issue with the on-board satnav: Almost everytime when I use the satnav and I do a little detour, it does not recalculate the actual route but set the target to the office location if have set. This led to some uncomfortable situations when I was in an...
  4. L

    MY24 annoying signal recognition bug

    Hello, my first post there, not native english speaker, so I hope to get all right. I'm from a month a proud owner of a Luxury64 MY24, and wile the car is truly awsome on any regard, is plagued by a quite annoying bug: when you start it for the first time speed signals recognition just lock on...
  5. Ferretusmaximus

    In out, in out, (with some) shake it all about

    Inforbrainmelt scream dun gone dolally: View Video Such fun....
  6. D

    Car Greeting

    My Zs ev always greets me, stating it is 1st January 2019 ALL THE TIME for the last 2 years. Anybody else got this issue
  7. A

    Intelligent speed limiter bug or feature

    I think I've found a bug or its a fault my my MG4 Trophy 2023 with the Intelligent speed limiter. when I start the car and set the intelligent speed limiter on you get 3 dots in a red circle because you have not pass any speed sign, that's correct, drive and as soon as you approach or pass a...
  8. A

    Battery Status After Charging

    Hi folks. Now I’m not sure if this is a common bug/issue. I’ve only had my Trophy Long Range for just under 2 weeks. When I collected it from the dealer the battery was showing 92%. Today is the first charge I have done, battery was showing 28%. I charged it on a public 50kW charge to 80%...
  9. Tigger

    Heated Seats bug altered - not improved!

    My wife asked me to preheat the driver's seat from the app yesterday (the cold weather has reached London) but it didn't come on, despite the app saying it was on. Interesting - time to investigate. As I recall, the original bug with this function was that if you set the driver's seat to come...
  10. J

    Do you use AC in winter?

    I've had my MG4 for 1 month and always had the AC on because otherwise it doesn't get warm in the car, it only blows cold air when the AC is off. A friend of mine with a Tesla said he never needs to have the AC on in the winter because it blows out warm air with the AC off. Then the car sounds...
  11. halogen

    360 camera blackout

    Everyday I'm finding new bugs in the car.. Today found out the 360 camera has a bug on either lift or right of the camera under the rear view mirror. Reseting center screen resets the bug...
  12. Y

    Reversing speed bug?

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong of if there is a bug in the way the car responds in a certain situation that should be reported. Would be greatful if someone could (safely) try and replicate the following for a UK mk2 trophy. Most of the time when I put the car into reverse from a parked...
  13. D

    New heating bug?

    I don't remember seeing this one before :ROFLMAO: I pressed the button to turn A/C on, which it duly did and showed the aircon screen - but that screen doesn't stay on for long so just as I hit the temp increase button on the screen the screen disappeared. The temp setting continued right up...
  14. C

    Things that are starting to bug me about my MG5

    Had my MG5 for about 4 weeks now and theres lots I love about it, but some things that have cropped up that are really quite annoying. Hoping some of these are fixable (either with advice from the community or a firmware update at some point) but I suspect I'm stick with it and I feel the need...
  15. Sloucher

    Bug Invasion

    Warning to owners of orange MG4s who were thinking of cleaning their cars today. Greenfly love orange! I decided to take the opportunity to wash the car today as there wasn't any direct sunshine. Big mistake, first I found my first stone chip (?) and next I had a swarm of kamikaze greenfly...
  16. A

    Oddity with iSmart software

    OK - I accept that it's a bit buggy in places, but about a week ago it wouldn't recognise the car. Happened two or three times, so I decided to try again in the morning. It still failed. I then opened/closed the car using the remote key, and the software worked fine again. A couple of days ago...
  17. Mr Savage

    So close to being locked out of my car

    I parked my car and took a walk around a lovely coastal path. It was windy so I wore my jacket. When I returned to my car I pushed the button on the trunk and threw my jacked in, then closed the door. I heard the door lock itself so I went for my keys only to realize they were in my jacket...
  18. J

    Bluetooth bug, pairing constantly

    Hello! I'm facing a problem/bug with the bluetooth. I receive the car on 4/01/2023 with the firmware SWI68-29958-1300R24 and since the begining I pair the iPhone 13 without problem and everything works great, but after close the car and going back after a while, the system ask me to re-pair and...
  19. D

    Car Scheduled charging software bug

    Our MG4 Trophy appears to have a software bug in the in-car scheduled charging settings. Even when the times are set to an overnight period and scheduled charging enabled, the car starts charging as soon as power is applied (via the wall charger being enabled for continuous charging). Using the...
  20. ubbe70

    Charging / APP bug?

    MG iSMART app says "chargesocket overheating" and "too high tempretaure" even when im not charging. And it does not go away when starting charging again. But it works fine. Someone who has the same problem? All is updated. App , OTA etc Marvel R Performance
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