
In botany, a bulb is structurally a short stem with fleshy leaves or leaf bases that function as food storage organs during dormancy. (In gardening, plants with other kinds of storage organ are also called "ornamental bulbous plants" or just "bulbs".)

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  1. B

    Interior lighting

    Only had the car a week so I'm still "noticing thing's" as it were. The light in the boot seems to have a nice bright white LED bulb, however the interior light (door activated etc) seems to be powered by 2 small candles giving off a lovely, cosy orange glow. This can't be right can it?
  2. calwoo

    Front indicator bulb change

    The owners handbook shows how to replace a front indicator bulb on p279. The diagram looks unlike any view under my bonnet. Has anyone succeeded in changing the indicator bulb and if so how?
  3. L

    MG ZS 2022 indicator bulb removal

    Hello, Was wondering if anybody knows how.to change an indicator bulb in a MG ZS 2022 ?? Front drivers side has blown, needs changing and I can't find any help online on how to do this. Any advice welcome!
  4. PositiveTom

    Replacing license plate bulb

    Hi guys, Just put my 69-plate MG ZS EV through it's MOT and it passed with one advisory - the license plate bulb. I looked at the manual and got a new matching bulb, but it seems clear as mud on how to actually replace it. Are there any useful guides or videos anywhere on how to do this? I've...
  5. A

    Headlamp bulb replacement help?

    Hi Car ailed MOT on Headlamp bulb not working so looking to replace however struggling to get the bulb out... Can anyone help?
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