
Xu Zhilei (Chinese: 徐志雷), known by his in-game tag BurNIng (commonly written as Burning), is a Chinese professional gamer. He has played both Defense of the Ancients and Dota 2 professionally, and he is considered one of the best carry players in the history of Dota. In 2012, IceFrog, the developer of DotA and Dota 2, honored BurNIng by naming his signature hero Anti-Mage after him in the original Dota game. In September 2018, he founded a new team called "Team Aster".

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  1. E

    Burning smell

    Does anyone get a acrid burning smell when first starting up their ZS? Not sure it is is the HVAC system or electrical malarkey but my can definitely gets a strong whiff sometimes. 23 plate MG ZS long range.
  2. S

    Smell of hot plastic?

    Hello all! Be really grateful if anyone can advise? We took delivery of a brand new leased MG ZS in Jan. Since the start, there's been a pretty strong smell of burning/hot plastic when the car is started. Smell kind of lingers for quite a while but is strongest when we start the car. Any clues...
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