
A calendar is a system of organizing days. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days, weeks, months and years. A date is the designation of a single and specific day within such a system. A calendar is also a physical record (often paper) of such a system. A calendar can also mean a list of planned events, such as a court calendar, or a partly or fully chronological list of documents, such as a calendar of wills.
Periods in a calendar (such as years and months) are usually, though not necessarily, synchronized with the cycle of the sun or the moon. The most common type of pre-modern calendar was the lunisolar calendar, a lunar calendar that occasionally adds one intercalary month to remain synchronized with the solar year over the long term.

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  1. N

    Calendar event sync in I-smart app

    I have looked into the manual, I could not find anything about this. When opening the app, it constantly asks for the sync to confirm. I don't want this. Anybody knows how to disable it?
  2. salty

    Ok, you lot. What did you get for Crimbo? 🎅🎄🎁

    I'll start. 2 Bottles of Bailey's and a Peaky Blinders Calender and Erm? 🤔 That's it. They obviously didn't get the Cyberster GT hint. 🤣😉🙂👍
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