car settings

A car seat is the seat used in automobiles. Most car seats are made from inexpensive but durable material in order to withstand prolonged use. The most common material is polyester.

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  1. P

    Car settings not available

    Infotainment screen says function is available after vehicl has started - it isn’t. Also, battery percentage not on infotainment screen, but is on binocle and ISMART. Any thoughts
  2. Fizzy

    Charging the 2023 MG4 Mk 2 using the car settings, or the App, which is best?

    Charging the 2023 MG4 Mk 2 using the car settings, or the App, which is best? And can a passenger stay in the car?
  3. G

    What does an MG4 remember?

    Hello all, loving all your work and have been a voyeur of the forum for some time whilst making my buying decision. Picked up a Grey Trophy last week and so far so good apart from the normal stuff (I detest LKA...) Wondering if there is actually a list of what settings the car does remember...
  4. S


    I've had the MG4 for three months now, my only issue, and I know it's not offered is I wish it remembered settings, setting it up every time I go out is a pain.
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