charging cable

A charging station, also known as a charge point or electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), is a piece of equipment that supplies electrical power for charging plug-in electric vehicles (including electric cars, electric trucks, electric buses, neighborhood electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrids).
There are two main types: AC charging stations and DC charging stations. Batteries can only be charged with direct current (DC) electric power, while most electricity is delivered from the power grid as alternating current (AC). For this reason, most electric vehicles have a built-in AC-to-DC converter, commonly known as the "onboard charger". At an AC charging station, AC power from the grid is supplied to this onboard charger, which produces DC power to charge the battery. DC chargers facilitate higher power charging (which requires much larger AC-to-DC converters) by building the converter into the charging station instead of the vehicle to avoid size and weight restrictions. The station then supplies DC power to the vehicle directly, bypassing the onboard converter. Most fully electric car models can accept both AC and DC power.
Charging stations provide connectors that conform to a variety of international standards. DC charging stations are commonly equipped with multiple connectors to be able to charge a wide variety of vehicles that utilize competing standards.
Public charging stations are typically found street-side or at retail shopping centers, government facilities, and other parking areas. Private charging stations are typically found at residences, workplaces, and hotels.

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  1. D

    Archived 32amp Type 2 4.5m Charging Cable

    Fully working ,Good condition Charging Cable 32 amp Type 2 4.5m. ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED Can post or collect
  2. S

    Charging cable won’t lock after using manual release MG5

    Charging cable won’t lock after using manual release - MG5 I had to use the manual charger release cable (under the plastic bonnet cover) when a public charger wouldn’t stop charging. Since then, the charging cable won’t stay locked in, so I can’t charge at all. I can hear it locking and then...
  3. G

    charging cable problem

    hello all, I bought a 10m lead to charge the car and it worked great with my vestel charger, however the lead was too long so i purchased a 2m lead. When the lead arrived i plugged it in, it started to judder and sent the charger into fault mode. I rebooted the charger and tried the long lead...
  4. B

    Need a charging cable MG5 to an external rapid charging station

    Could anyone please advise the best/economical place to procure a charging cable for my MG5 to a rapid charging station such as the ones found in supermarkets. I didn’t realise that one isn’t included and evidently Halfords don’t sell them. Thanks in anticipation
  5. Ian Key

    Charging cable not locking

    I put the car on to charge last night exactly as I've done many times before but when I looked this morning it had failed to charge. I checked the iSmart app to check the charging percentage in case the amount of charge had altered to below it's current charge level and the Zappi app. The Zappi...
  6. T


    Type 2 to Type 2 (13foot long/5meters in length) charging cable, never used.
  7. M

    3rd party charging cable

    I have recently taken delivery of a 2023 HS PHEV. It came with a granny charger but it’s very short and my socket is quite far away, so I ordered a longer 3rd party cable. It said it worked with all EVs and PHEVs using the type 2 standard. Tried it for the first time and the car just won’t...
  8. M

    Charging Cable for MG4 LR

    Hi Folks I am currently just using the home charge cable(3 pin plug) so for trips I need to get a suitable cable, there are a lot on the market. Any advice on what to buy or avoid?.Any advice most appreciated...
  9. M

    Unable to connect charging cable to vehicle port

    Just tried to plug in the granny charger. Then cable will not connect fully into the on vehicle port. Can any one help please?
  10. TetchyTechie

    Which charging cable?

    As a result of an irritating layout of parking, I had to get a 10 metre CCS charging cable for the MG5. Which is fine: the dealer supplied one. It works. However, I'd like a shorter one to travel with, as I reckon I'll be able to 'nose-in' to public 'low-speed' chargers - the 10 metre one is...
  11. Eddie A

    Charging cable not locking, not charging

    Evening, all Plugged my car in at home a couple of nights ago, but no charge added by the morning. The circuit breaker on the charger hadn't tripped so I assumed it was one of those software glitches and thought I'd have another go after the weekend. However... Cable gets plugged in, lights...
  12. Conrad3

    Charging cable

    Hi all Should my new 24 plate have come with a charging cable or just a 3 pin plug one
  13. Hay

    Home charging cable does not lock. Normal?

    I recently bought an MG4 and am loving it. Sofar I've only charged it with the standard slow home charger, which works fine, but I've noticed that it doesn't actually lock the plug in place. It's charging fine, but I can pull the plug out any time. Is the locking thing just for public/ fast...
  14. F

    Charging cable

    Hi all, Still waiting for delivery of my company car and wondered if the car comes with a charging cable? BP delivered the home charger ready for install and its an unteathered BP Pulse
  15. DIY

    New (to us) car niggles

    Hi, we collected our 2022 ZS EV Trophy on Friday. Handover from garage and a couple of issues since have tainted the experience slightly. Car still bound to previous owner No charging cable in car car only at 40% on collection (promised 100%) Warranty voided as no servicing had been carried out...
  16. G

    Warm cable

    I’m slightly paranoid about being safe and noticed an oddity. My type two cable was a bit warm on the supply end and smelt a bit of warm electronics - if you know the smell I mean - at work the other day. The cable is my main way of charging as my EVSE is untethered - it came with my car...
  17. W


    Hi Everyone, I'm picking up my new MG 4 EV next Saturday. This is my first electric vehicle. I have a couple questions if that is ok. I will need to buy a Type 2 to Type 2 Charging cable. Is it worth buying 32amp, 22 kw 3 phase cable and can I use it with my MG 4 EV. The garage is trying to...
  18. A

    MG4 SE Charging Cable

    Hi Guys, I received my MG4 SE version yesterday and today i charged it at work with the cable that came with the car. The charging speed was max 3.4 KW while other cars were charging at 7-10 KW. is it possible to charge MG4 SE version at a higher speed by changing the cable i have or the MG4...
  19. Baldytone

    Charging cable.

    Hi All, I’m getting a tethered char fitted, and I will need a cable in the car for charging when away, my question is do I need a single or three phase cable? I know that the rapid chargers themselves are tethered. cheers Tony.
  20. T

    EV Charging Cable

    Looking for advice on buying a Charging cable for my MG ZS EV Trophy Type 2 to Type 2 EV Charging Cable & Bag MG 5 metre length - 32 amp - SHIP FOC
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