
CLOCK (from circadian locomotor output cycles kaput) is a gene encoding a basic helix-loop-helix-PAS transcription factor that is known to affect both the persistence and period of circadian rhythms.
Research shows that the CLOCK gene plays a major role as an activator of downstream elements in the pathway critical to the generation of circadian rhythms.

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  1. ianbyerley

    Adelaide time zone

    Have new 2025 MG ZS Hybrid+ essence. in Adelaide S.A., and cannot find my city in the time zone. Only Melbourne time, so clock is 30 mins out. Is there anyway to manually adjust the time?
  2. JIS

    Showing the Clock on the main screen

    The time of day is clearly shown on the driver's screen but my wife finds it annoying that she cannot see the time at a glance from the passenger's seat. (We had the same problem with our previous Audi Q3 !). I see in the multiple user options that the Clock can be shown. Indeed it appears to be...
  3. J

    Setting the clock

    My MG4 is too smart/complicated for me. Can someone please help with where to access settings so I can change the time? I had hoped I could leave setting the clock to the car and it would adjust to GMT from BST automatically. Thanks
  4. mgpooter

    Screen Off

    I have not seen this referred to here and could not find any info in the 'manual' either. I had seen that the infotainment screen could be turned completely off to just leave a clock on a black screen. I asked AI which informed me to 'swipe down' on the screen. This shows another...
  5. ptw

    Daylight saving change

    Today (27th October) in the UK clocks go back an hour. Now the MG3, and others, are supposed to change automatically. If yours hasn't it's probably because they didn't do the pre-delivery inspection (pdi) properly and left it set at the first default city (it's something beginning with A) which...
  6. V


    Has anybody else's gone an hour forward, prematurely?
  7. SteveBirchall

    Archived 2023 MG4 with less than 3,000 miles on the clock

    It is a standard range SE in red It is in “as new” condition Only selling for financial reasons It does have outstanding finance but that will be cleared before / during the sale. Love the car, but the monthly payments are too high for me now that I have started a new job. I will post...
  8. John T


    Can I get a larger clock display?
  9. Kithmo

    End of BST

    Just a heads up for those whose car clock didn't go back this weekend, use GPS time in the general settings.
  10. B

    How do you set time on clock

    Hi how do I change the time on my MG ZS EV 2023 model
  11. A


    I cannot figure out how to display the clock on mymg4 trophy ,,, and suggestions ?
  12. D

    Are the auto lights linked to the clock?…

    Genuine question, could the auto lights be linked in any way to the clock? I ask as I noticed the last few evenings that they came on around or before 8pm, regardless as to how bright it still was at that time. There were zero shadows from trees where I was driving, and it was still very bright...
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