cold weather

Cold Weather is a 2010 American mystery film directed by Aaron Katz and written by Katz, Brendan McFadden, and Ben Stambler. The film stars Cris Lankenau as a former forensic science student investigating the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend. The film was shot and set in Portland, Oregon. Cold Weather premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2010 and was released in the United States by IFC Films in February 2011.

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  1. J

    Windows misting up in cold weather (on the inside)

    Best A/C setting or other solution, please!
  2. E

    Battery Capacity in Cold Weather

    has anyone had a major issue with the battery capacity with the ZS EV in cold weather? At times I was getting as low as 260km at full charge when the maximum stated range is 320km.
  3. B

    Charging capacity in cold weather

    Hi Simple question, will your MG 5 charge to full capacity in cold weather, for my 21 plate model that is 163 miles. With temperatures around feeezing i I cannot get a charge in above 137 miles. I normally charge it to 70% which takes it to 137 miles, it’s only occasionally that I need...
  4. G

    Charging to 100% When Cold

    Interested to know what people think, during the minus C days in the UK when ranges are impacted, do people charge to 100% if you car is a daily 100 miles a day car? I get the 80% number is perfect for longevity, but if you use the car daily and it’s only sitting at 100% for 2 hours after...
  5. S

    Dead Battery and Won’t Charge!

    Hi, I got my car in February last year and have been loving it until today! I set it to charge last night as it was just over 30% and this morning it is frozen up, stopped charging in the night at some point and is not responding. I assume the battery is now dead due to the cold, or needs to...
  6. S

    Condensation in the cabin in cold weather

    Hi all, am I the only Owner who ends up with a lot of comdensation inside the car when it's cold? I conserve battery in the winter by using the seat and steering wheel heaters but after driving a few miles the windscreen mists up because I also breathe...after a few days of this the inside of...
  7. R

    So what range were you getting in recent cold weather?

    My first winter weather with an EV and full charge range on my 24 facelift dropped to 180 miles. Just wondering if this was average for MG’s in cold weather? Admittedly the car lives outside and I am in North Wales.
  8. Mg 3 Hybrid in cold weather and icy conditions.

    Hi All, Now that a cold spell has arrived, I wonder how you are finding the car in terms of driving, comfort etc. I completed a 300km round trip the other day with a 6am start and temperatures of minus 2.5. Not extreme I know but enough to leave a few skittish patches here and there. In terms of...
  9. Ian Key

    Preparing the car for winter

    It's time to prepare our cars for the cold weather so if anyone has any tips please let the rest of us know. I'll start... Spray the charging port catch with silicone spray to stop the lock freezing shut or being unable to close it after charging. I also put a bit of silicone on the connectors...
  10. W

    Windscreen Fluid

    Hi guys, just wondered if anyone's had an issue with windscreen fluid in the cold weather? I had an experience on the M4 yesterday where my fluid froze mid journey and as the roads had been gritted i couldnt see a thing!! I understand there's little to no heat under the bonnet so this may have...
  11. T

    A real cold weather range test, -32 degrees below zero

    Greetings from Finland. Temperature -32, range is about 200km. MG ZS LR MY22
  12. H

    Preventing air flow to battery in cold weather

    It's -30°C this morning and expected to drop even lower towards the end of the week. Yesterday when driving home at -24°C temperature, in the "Energy Consumption" screen the consumption was around 35kWh - 40kWh per 100km at all times. With ICE there's this trick to install a cardboard in front...
  13. Smokeysworld

    Regen limitations

    I have a mk1 MG ZS EV, bought in July. All through the last 5 months the regen, whilst in 3, slows the car and I see the needle go into the charging section of the dial. Now, I know when the battery is full, a message pops up saying regen won't work and to use the brakes, which makes total...
  14. C

    Jump starting another vehicle with MG PHEV

    Hi all, My daughter's car needs a jump start using leads following the cold weather. Can I do this safely using my MG PHEV, and if so, cab anyone provide instruction, please? Thanks in advance
  15. B

    2.0 miles/kWh, normal in this cold weather? (UK)

    Edit: thanks all for the replies. Calms the anxiety on the car being a lemon. So picked up my mg4 (‘23 plate) on Thursday. I only seem to get 2.0 mi/kWh for most journeys. Sometimes after 10 mins it starts to climb but only to 2.6. Is this typical with aircon at 21°C with neg temperatures...
  16. S

    First cold weather in my trophy and 25% reduction in range

    Picked up my mg4 trophy in April 23 and have been able to achieve 4 miles per kW hour without even trying. So I am amazed how hard I have to try to get 3 miles per kW hour now its hovering around 0 ? Obviously cold weather is not a friend of my lovely EV
  17. H

    Excessive condensation charging in cold weather

    Last night I put my car on charge on the drive outside. When I unplugged it and got in this morning at 5:30am the front window had small but visible water droplets and the rear window was covered in larger drops. The front cleared after running the AC on full, but the rear didn't clear properly...
  18. R

    MG4 losing power

    Hey. I have a MG4 SE. The car has been idle since saturday. When I started to drive today it gave 100% power up to about 50-60 kmph and then it dropped down to 56% power. Battery was around 76%. After driving about 10 min it could give 100% at 120 kmph. It is -5c outside. Does the battery...
  19. Malcolm at Gold Coast

    It's freezing and the heater wouldn't work

    An early winter blast hit my area of Queensland yesterday, sub arctic conditions, rain wind more rain. the thermometer for outside was down to about 20 degrees so it was cold. Hopped in the car and the glass was a bit foggy and it was a touch chilly so bumped up the temp to 25 and waited and...
  20. S

    Range reduction…is this what all the people from Cold Places talk about?

    Hello! I’m in Australia and just heading in to cold weather - I live in regional Victoria and we get legitimately cold weather, but no snow. It has started to cool down properly over the last couple of weeks. The range on the MG seems to be all over the place. At 100% charge it’s showing ranges...
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