
Backward compatibility (sometimes known as backwards compatibility) is a property of an operating system, software, real-world product, or technology that allows for interoperability with an older legacy system, or with input designed for such a system, especially in telecommunications and computing.
Modifying a system in a way that does not allow backward compatibility is sometimes called "breaking" backward compatibility. Such breaking usually incurs various types of costs, such as switching cost.
A complementary concept is forward compatibility. A design that is forward-compatible usually has a roadmap for compatibility with future standards and products.

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  1. barry7153

    MG4 Infotainment Touchscreen

    My touchscreen doesn't like my finger, especially when driving, and I wonder if the touchscreen is compatible with a stylus?
  2. snowyy

    Unbinding to rebind this is the question

    Hi all, I'm looking to change phones mainly due to my new wireless android Auto doesn't want to play ball! So i have another that is compatible. Is it a simple task to unbind and then rebind with the new phone. I don't want to transfer all my stuff from one to the other and then cause myself a...
  3. Noel

    Accessories/Mud flaps

    Hi all. Has anybody managed to find a set of 4 mud flaps for the MG ZS Hybrid+ ? There are universal sets, sets for earlier ZS models, or other MG SUV’s etc models. But there is no real way to find out if they will fit, without drilling holes.
  4. F

    Wipers replacement

    Anyone knows whether ZS front and rear wipers are the same for both versions of ZS (2019-2024) and same for right hand drive and left hand drive models ? Found some cheap on AliExpress but not sure if they are OK...
  5. O

    Insurance , but not what you think?

    Had to re-insure the car recently and was looking through all the options. Came across one companies site and in its generalities it mentioned that if you have an EVSE attached to your property you should inform your house insurer and have it on their files, they may want to see all the...
  6. gerrydoorstop

    Car Mats

    I was treated to a present of car mats for a ZS Hybrid however my car is a ZS Hybrid Plus. Are they likely to fit or will i need to return and get different ones? Thanks
  7. NeFo

    CD USB

    i have just been searching the www for "retrofit CD USB players". They are well-received by those who still want in-car CD music. However, when checking a model's compatibility, MG either comes as not listed or not compatible. Has anyone found a system that will work on an MG5 LR pre-facelift...
  8. N

    Waze maps doesn't connect to the car

    Hi, has anyone else found that Waze doesn't connect to the car when phone is connected? It automatically goes to Google maps instead! I have a Samsung 21, not sure if the type of phone makes any difference! Thanks
  9. Ethernea

    Usb Device Not Compatible?

    Hey guys - what format is needed to play music via usb pen drives? I connected a fat32 formatted and added folders with mp3... And then the car said not compatible. Any ideas how to make usb drives work so i can play music without bluetooth?
  10. W

    Gridserve high power chargers

    I couldn't charge at a gridserve high power charger today on an M5 service station. I got the yellow triangle on the dash which suggests the charger wasn't compatible. I had the same issue at a Tesla charger and since realised these don't work on an MGZS EV. It worked on an ols style charger...
  11. Alb

    HyperVolt commits to enabling compatibility with Intelligent Octopus Go

    At long last, a firm commitment to provide compatibility with both V2 and V3 devices by the end of this year. Look forward to seeing this happen although V2 owners like myself will be at the end of the queue.
  12. NeFo


    I have an MG5 LR pre-facelift. I also have a generic cycle-carrier (that fitted a Skoda Fabia estate) - straps onto the rear window above the number-plate. i will see if it fits the MG. Does anyone know if this model is designed to carry this accessory?
  13. DaevM

    Plug & Charge

    Hi y'all. Tried searching on 'plug & charge' or 'plug and charge' but search doesn't like '&' or 'and' as too short or common ? Anyway got far too many returns with plug / charge in as you can imagine. Just came across plug & charge on Octopus app and it looks promising for the future of ev...
  14. LilithBearsMG4

    Zappi compatible?

    Does OVO charge anytime tariff work with Zappis? Side question... What's the best energy company / tariff to get with a zappi?
  15. B

    BP Pulse Problem

    Is it known issue that MG4 and BP Pulse are enemies and refuse to work together?
  16. C

    MG4 Essence Apple Wallet Digital Key

    I’ve purchased an MG4 Essence from Perth, Aus. Apart from continuing to troubleshoot multiple tech issues, one question I had, which Google doesn’t answer is: Is the Aus MG4 Essence compatible with Apple Wallet for the Digital Key? This is my Plan B as the iSMART app is 2 star at most and...
  17. P

    Compatible ABRP ODB Dongles

    I have been using LELink OBD11 dongle with ABRP since September last year with no issues, but since the start of the year it has stopped working and ABRP are saying it's not compatible. Can I ask if anyone has had similar issues and what Dongles others use with ABRP?
  18. G

    Octopus and Project EV chargers

    I have an October 2022 MG Trophy and a Project EV home charger. Can anyone please advise me whether Octopus GO or Intelligent Octopus are now compatible with Project EV charger? I know that Octopus doesn't "talk" to all EVs and chargers yet. Many thanks.
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