
Crash Bandicoot is a video game franchise originally developed by Naughty Dog as an exclusive for Sony's PlayStation console. It has seen numerous installments created by various developers and published on multiple platforms. The series consists predominantly of platform games, but also includes spin-offs in the kart racing and party game genres. The series was originally produced by Universal Interactive, which later became known as Vivendi Games; in 2008, Vivendi merged with Activision, which currently owns and publishes the franchise.
The games are mostly set on the fictitious Wumpa Islands, an archipelago situated to the south of Australia where humans and mutant animals co-exist, although other locations are common. The protagonist of the series is a genetically enhanced bandicoot named Crash, whose quiet life on the Wumpa Islands is often interrupted by his creator and the games' main antagonist, Doctor Neo Cortex, who attempts to eliminate Crash as a constant hindrance to his plots for world domination.

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  1. B

    no start after crash

    Hello i have a 2023 mg4 ev. I crashed and now it doesn't start. A front aribag deployed. My question is how to start it? The damage is only frontal like bumper and headlight. Does it have a pyro fuse, and where? Or need diagnostics
  2. P

    iSmart App Crash Google Pixel 9 Fold

    Anyone encountered this issue? Collected my shiny new MG4 yesterday, went to pair up the car with iSmart (I'd already set up an account etc) Unfortunately, with my Pixel 9 Pro Fold, everytime I went into the app to scan the QR code - as soon as the camera opened, the app crashed. Bit annoying...
  3. MG Clive

    MG3 Hybrid+ Crash Test

    It's a bit like the comments on my old school reports . . . . Could do better.
  4. B

    Front Breathing Lamp- what is it?

    Hi all! Can anyone enlighten me as to what is the 'Front Breathing Lamp' on a 2022 ZS EV? What does it do? (It's missing on my written-off car as a result of crash damage at the front) Thanks, Brian
  5. M

    Crash sensor

    After the collision with the deer (only minor damage) the MG4 has triggered crash sensor and is now inmovable. Is the crash sensor software resetable or does it require major mechanical work to replace? This information would help me to estimate damage and whether to take the car or sell it...
  6. T

    Crash due to Lane keep assist.

    Hi all...first post on here so please go easy on me. We have a MG4, bought new last year and we've done about 30k km. It's a great little car but we've literally been wrestling with its very well known lane keeping assist issues. We live in rural part of Ireland and the LKA makes the Car very...
  7. Bricktop X PWR

    Anatomy of a near miss.

    Just a bit of fun on a slooow Sunday at home! This sort of thing really is standard fayre living rurally as I do. Most back roads are relatively quiet here, and it is my observation over the last 5 years living in West Wales, that folk do not necessarily take as much care as they should. I...
  8. chiMol

    MG 4/Mulan after crash. Drive with deployed airbags. Crash reset. Cable and Software.

    Hello all. I am amazed with good of you community here. I get crashed mg4 (still in transit) and will try to fix it for every day driving. First thing that I need will be to make it drive somehow. Can you advise me about software, cable or other things that I will need? I understand that I will...
  9. 502BBC

    MG4 SE SR rims are built tough

    This is an unfortunate ending for my MG4, after being in the dealer for weeks for a simple infotainment update which MG Certified Service Centre denied, I recieved the car as delivered and drove it for running errands and small stuff. Got involved in a stupid crash today, an elder person drove...
  10. B

    Well this sucks (XPower crash tested) ?

    No injuries other than my pride. Stupid set of circumstances with low lying sun, badly parked car and reaching for the sun visor ?
  11. M

    MG5 - smashing!

    So, this is what happens when your MG5 is hit from the front, head on! Was surprised at the amount of plastic bits. Going to be written off I suspect. Managed to get a loan car through insurers - new MG ZS Long Range - nice! As a lease car, I suspect it will be some time before I get any...
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