dash cam install

Dash cam install refers to the process of installing a dashboard camera, commonly known as a dash cam, into a vehicle.
  1. J

    Dash CAM install powered from Radar/Camera Box

    I have recently found a dash Camera Kit for the MG ZS EV which neatly powers directly from the radar/camera box on the windscreen, just where the mirror is: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006297461573.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.16.5d731802yeWbhK There are not many...
  2. L

    Indicators fast flashing.

    Admittedly tried an old set of LEDs from a previous car, put the originals back but the indicators are still double flashing? I did some other works to car (dash cam install), never tested the indicators until the day after it all. All the indicators working. 2 on front, 2 on mirrors, 2 at...
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