
The cover date of a periodical publication is the date displayed on the cover, which is not necessarily the true date of publication (the on-sale date or release date); later cover dates are common in magazine and comic book publishing. More unusually, Le Monde is a daily newspaper published the afternoon before its cover date. For some publications, the cover date may not be found on the cover, but rather on an inside jacket or on an interior page.

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  1. Les burrows

    Latest up date on the MG5 from James 143000 mile and nothing gone wrong

    What more can you want Les
  2. A

    MG4 Manufactured Date. Age @ 'new'?

    Hi I just bought a brand new MG4 and later discovered it had come off the production line 17 months previous. Am I overthinking this that I got sold an old stock vehicle? Thanks for your help.
  3. tezzflyer

    Is it possible to stop the annoying announcement by Moira Stewart? she usually gets the date wrong anyway!

    It drives me nuts when Moira suddenly burst into life telling me stuff I already know, and getting the date wrong! Is there a way to turn off this feature? Thanks
  4. ZS Ev saying it’s the 1 April 2019

    On start up my car says it’s 1 April 2019 every start up any one no how to fix this thanks
  5. Tone68

    Out of date navigation

    Whilst navigating on on holiday, the maps proved out of date when they showed me driving through empty space on a relatively new road near Northampton. I tested this against Google maps and Waze using Android auto, and they were sufficiently up-to-date. I'd like to update the maps for the built...
  6. D

    Car Greeting

    My Zs ev always greets me, stating it is 1st January 2019 ALL THE TIME for the last 2 years. Anybody else got this issue
  7. I

    Unexpected 'passenger'

    I must have inadvertantly changed some setting! I was surprised the other day to be greeted into the car by a woman's voice welcoming me and telling me the date, time and weather forecast. Mind you, she was a a bit out with the date this morning, telling me it was the first of January 2019...
  8. M

    First service date

    I've had my MG ZS EV for nearly a year from a lease company but I can't find the first service date anywhere. Only maintenance details on the dashboard. Can anyone direct me where I can find it. Thanks.
  9. 10 Ell

    Lane assist help

    Hi I keep turning my lane assist off on my MG4 but every time I turn car on the next day the lane assist is back on? is this correct? is there a way of keeping it off?
  10. GaryMG4

    Odd date displayed.

    Any one else got a strange date displayed this month?
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