disable alarm

Disable alarm: To deactivate or turn off an alarm system or its components, preventing it from sounding or alerting its designated function.
  1. I

    How to disable alarm after emergency key use?

    So yesterday I went for a dog walk in the snow and came back to find that my key wasn’t opening my 2020 ZS EV. I tried opening the car using the emergency key to get the dogs out of the traffic but it triggered the alarm and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. Is there a button somewhere...
  2. TetchyTechie

    Turning off the car-alarm for travel on ferries

    I use car-ferries relatively often, and some operators request that people deactivate the theft-alarm because the vibration (on high-speed ferries) and wave motion (on traditional ferries) can trigger the alarms continually, flattening the car's 12V batteries, and making the car-deck(s) rather...
  3. H

    How to disable the alarm?

    Hello, does anybody know how to disable the alarm om the MG5? In a few days I will be traveling with ferry and they want the alarms to be disabled during the journey. I have tried to read in the manual but as far as I can see it's not stated how to disable. It have not been a issue before, but...
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