
Dispute resolution or dispute settlement is the process of resolving disputes between parties. The term dispute resolution is conflict resolution through legal means.
Prominent venues for dispute settlement in international law include the International Court of Justice (formerly the Permanent Court of International Justice); the United Nations Human Rights Committee (which operates under the ICCPR) and European Court of Human Rights; the Panels and Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization; and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Half of all international agreements include a dispute settlement mechanism.
States are also known to establish their own arbitration tribunals to settle disputes. Prominent private international courts, which adjudicate disputes between commercial private entities, include the International Court of Arbitration (of the International Chamber of Commerce) and the London Court of International Arbitration.

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  1. Exdro

    Charger Problem

    Does anyone else have an EO charger which stopped working in February this year? I am trying to find out if I am the only one who has a problem. Currently I am in dispute with EO, EDF, who have offered respectively 23% ish off a new charge point or £50.00! I cannot believe that a list price...
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