
Dripping, also known usually as pork dripping or beef dripping, is an animal fat produced from the fatty or otherwise unusable parts of cow or pig carcasses. It is similar to lard, tallow and schmaltz.

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  1. W

    Cabin sounds like water from a dripping tap

    Hi MG3 Hybrid owners. After 940 enjoyable miles, I have encountered a new sound much different from the chirps and bongs I'm getting accustomed to, this is somewhat akin to that of a single water drop falling from a water valve in a header tank. The single drip sound occurs quite regularly with...
  2. G

    Condensation leaking from Muffler

    I have noticed that each time I drive my MG3 Hybrid, and Park it in my garage, that there is a puddle of water that appears under the front edge of the rear muffler. Crawling under the car with an inspection camera I can see the water dripping from the front seam of the muffler (there is no...
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