
In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer or automaton. A driver provides a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other computer programs to access hardware functions without needing to know precise details about the hardware being used.
A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device (drives it). Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program.
Drivers are hardware dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface.

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  1. S

    Help! Ran both batteries down!

    As befits a novice ev driver, I ran my drive (hv) battery down on a drive to Gatwick airport (Ok, Waze may have helped). Got car returned to home in flatbed but can’t reach my home charger with cable. Should I expect any problem recharging with the granny charger? 2020 ZS ev. Sorry about...
  2. T

    driver seat steel frame hurts my back

    hi i just like to know if anyone has the same problem that om having ? I have an MG4 it's 8 months old I use it as a taxi the problem I'm having is that I can feel the steel frame of the driver seat through the foam on the side cushions the seat has the half leather on it I brought to the MG...
  3. G

    Anyone having wet floor on driver side?

    I don't know if it's a leak or it's suppose to be like this...
  4. subfiver

    Unknown beeping

    Driving along, Eco, ACC on, the car sometimes issues 7 short beeps. No visual indicators show on either screen. It's happened several times now and I think ACC has been on each time. Dont beleive it's a speed thing ... Any clues, anyone, please ?
  5. phelipe

    Mg3 driver’s seat already worn?

    Hi everybody. I will be posting a lot around here because I just got my car and I already see Sunet things that don’t sit right with me. First one is the quality of the upholstery. We call the highest trim EXCLUSIVE around here but Brits call it Trophy. After just 4 days and 100kms the...
  6. M

    Mirror parts or complete mirror

    I’ve clipped my drivers side mirror which has damaged the clear lens indicator. Can I get just the clear lens and is it easy to replace or do I have to get a complete new mirror?
  7. F

    Driver's seat creaking

    Hello, I am writing to you because I noticed that the driver's seat creaks when taking a turn. Have you found the solution to this problem?
  8. DaevM

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    Just had my first fight with a Tesla driver queueing at John Lewis Cribbs Causeway. I've used these chargers about 4 times now and there's always been around half a dozen chargers free when I arrived. Today, full ?. Not being familiar with the protocol here I accidentally pushed in... No honest...
  9. kiwi

    Driver monitoring by MG and others

    In this Australian news item, driver monitoring and sometimes tracking is discussed: Cars are data-harvesting machines. These brands share your personal information The same topic has featured in other media but with less detail on which brand does what. The MG4 has a feature to disable the...
  10. C

    Active driver display question.

    i am awaiting delivery of my new MG4 but have a question about the driver display section of the instrument cluster. I have seen some videos that show the car driving with other cars around it but nothing is being displayed in the active display area apart from your car and the lines. Different...
  11. C

    Ghostly driver

    Hi I have a 22 mg zs ev recently aquied , have steering issues when driving pretty well anywhere l feel as though someone is steering apart from me . As I dont understand the ins and outs of the pilot and lane contrill etc it is very annoying to constantly correct the steering ...
  12. nbenn

    C Pillar Loose

    Has anybody seen this issue previously? Noticed just this week. Only on the driver side. Panel loose. Can push it back in but just pops back out again.
  13. C

    Creaky seat

    Anyone else get a creaky squeaky driver seat. Sounds like I'm driving a haunted house with creaky doors. ?? MG4 Trophy Ext Range.
  14. F

    Sagging front seat material

    5 weeks or so in to having my 5 and noticed about 3 weeks ago that the drivers fabric looks saggy after a drive and discovered that the plastic strip that holds the fabric to the seat frame had come off its fixing. I managed to redid it but the bugger keeps popping off. Anyone else got this...
  15. G

    Driver Assist Modes

    Is there anyway to make the changes that are done to the driver assist modes permanent and not have to set them each time a journey is started?
  16. N

    Multiple driver profiles

    Hi everyone, this is my first time on the site and I’m a new EV owner. I have a question around how best to manage different drivers of the same vehicle. At present my wife and I both drive this car. With my previous car when starting it we would select the driver profile we require and this...
  17. R

    How do I reset driver side auto window?

    Hi not had my car long and noticed the driver side auto window lock isn’t working but my front passenger side is fine. So usually you would just flick up the window switch once for the window to go all the way up but my driver side window isn’t doing that. On my previous car I had a to reset the...
  18. D

    Interior driver door handle hot?

    I drive an MG4 SE LR, had the car for nearly a year but have been driving it for around 6 months (recently passed my test). Last night as I got out of my car I noticed that the interior driver door handle was very warm. Not too hot to touch, but warmer than it would be just from someone holding...
  19. tsedge

    XPower Rally Driver Review

    Not sure if we've had this posted before, but here it is. He likes it and says it is definitely a proper Hot Hatch.
  20. S

    Door locking

    I’m not sure if the car has always done this or if it is a “new feature”. If I get in the car and drive off all the doors lock. If I stop and open the drivers door the rear doors remain locked from the outside. I seem to remember that they used to unlock with the drivers door but i could be...
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