
In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer or automaton. A driver provides a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other computer programs to access hardware functions without needing to know precise details about the hardware being used.
A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device (drives it). Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program.
Drivers are hardware dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface.

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  1. S

    Foot rest removal

    MG4 Trophy. Has anyone removed the drivers foot rest? Was it easy? How did it look after? Any photos? Thanks
  2. H

    2024 Trophy ER drivers seat heating fault

    Hi All, I have a Trophy ER (new December 24) and it has developed a strange fault... Upon unlocking and getting in the car in the morning, the drivers heated seat won't operate. The display chimes when I tap on the seat heating, but the heating symbol won't turn red. Bizarrely, if I press the...
  3. C

    Uneven Headlights

    My drivers side headlight appears to be blocked at the top of the beam, creating a sharp dark cut off on the road ahead, while the passenger side beams way ahead of the driver's side. MG service says it's normal for the Drivers side to be lower, but this feel quite restricting in how far I can...
  4. D

    Wobbly drivers seat

    My drivers seat has started a very unsettling wobble (front to back not side to side) , as if a screw holding it to the rails has come loose. Anyone got any ideas or seen similar before I get investigating on the weekend?
  5. APMG

    Drivers side seal/foam damage!

    I just took receipt of a 2022 Trophy MG of which I am the second owner from a EV dealer. Upon initial inspection the car was fine and nothing really came up the same as on the initial sign over. Its only when my other half went out today to take a look at the car she noticed a gash in drivers...
  6. DaevM

    I particularly like the autobrake when drivers door's open.

    For all of the tech/auto/assists I'm saying I don't want or need, I just discovered how much I love the autobrake when drivers door's open facility. Got home, reversed into drive chatting with wife about the success of our road trip ( we don't get out much ). Went to climb out and the car shot...
  7. S

    Drivers Side Electric Window Control

    Had my 2020 ZS EV for 18mths and the Drivers Side Electric Window control has suddenly stopped working. Been totally fine until now. Dealer has said there is an 'open circuit' problem with the Wiring Loom which can be fixed but NOT under Warranty at £385 + £135 inspection fee, Ouch?! Anyone...
  8. dundee1961

    MG ZS EV 2023 Drivers Leather seat cracking ....

    Good evening , Has anyone else had issues with leather seat cracking ? Our Mg has only done 14,000 miles . My husband uses leather cream conditioner on all the leather in the car ? Looked up warranty only covers first 12 months or 15,000 miles . I am very upset about this
  9. JimmyTwotimes

    Bolt found on drivers seat!

    Morning team Got in my MG4 Trophy extended range just now, only to find this bolt on the driver's seat. There wouldn't be any obvious reason for it to have fallen out of my pockets and i'm the only one that drives the car. Just one of those worldly mysteries or could it be from somewhere on...
  10. P

    Drivers seat

    Hi everyone So far loving the 5 and learning to live with an ev, it’s only been a few days. I am heading to wales at the end of the week, couple of hundred miles each way. Not worries about charging and range but I am having a couple of seat issues. I get a wee bit of discomfort in my left...
  11. extendedrangeMG4

    Driver's window is dead

    Had my brand new MG4 for 3 weeks and the driver's window has stopped working. It does nothing at all. The other 3 all work perfectly. Since it stopped working I have charged the car fully, reset the info screen thing, left the car locked for 10 hours, drove the car 60 miles, still no life from...
  12. Jomarkh

    ON street parking grant

    You can now get a grant to install a home chargepoint if you don’t have a driveway
  13. wandle MG4 trophy

    What is the age profile of MG4 owner drivers?

    Am curious about how old owner drivers of the MG4 are. Its sporty looks and speed should appeal to boy/girl racers but I get a feeling that many forum contributors are in their 60s. Do vote. Thank you
  14. D

    BMW drivers vs MG4 xpower - no contest so why bother

    The amount of BMW drivers that drive so far up your ass because they want you to race even though you don't really want to race because you know you can beat them anyway. Had the wife and baby in the car on Friday. Overtook a BMW just driving normal and they thought was was me asking to race...
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