driving habits

Texting while driving, also called texting and driving, is the act of composing, sending, or reading text messages on a mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle. Texting while driving is considered extremely dangerous by many people, including authorities, and in some places has either been outlawed or restricted. As a form of distracted driving, texting while driving significantly increases the chances that a driver will be involved in a motor vehicle accident.

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  1. M

    Figuring out the bars for battery

    Hi we have recently just bought a mg zs ev 20 plate with 43,000 on the clock. I am just wondering I have a 55mile round trip to work five days a week, will I be able to get two days of commuting out of a single charge so 110miles total. For a bit of context I charge to 100% I drive in eco and...
  2. wandle MG4 trophy

    How far have you actually gone on a full charge (Trophy only)

    Feeling smug as the other day I drove 245 miles with 52 miles range remaining. The projected range of 297 miles would, I think, have been achievable. Even better, I recharged the following day whilst Octopus Agile prices were negative. Battery at start - 100% and equalised Road - mixed...
  3. D

    Speed bumps

    So, has anyone else adapted their driving habits when going over speed bumps? I’m concerned about damaging the battery pack and also that under floor ‘spoiler’ so I’ve adjusted the way I approach bumps now so instead of hitting them so both wheels straddle as much as possible I’m now making...
  4. K

    Seem to be using 20km more than the trip

    Hi, just wondering if this is normal and if there is a reason? When I started the car it was 89% 280km eco after clearing the trip. When I stopped it was 28 minutes 73% 222km eco, trip was 35.1km. When I cleared the trip it was 231KM and the petrol sign was 20.2. I have the SV EZ Essance 320...
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