
eCall (an abbreviation of "emergency call") is an initiative by the European Union, intended to bring rapid assistance to motorists involved in a collision anywhere within the European Union. The aim is for all new cars to incorporate a system that automatically contacts the emergency services in the event of a serious accident, sending location and sensor information. eCall was made mandatory in all new cars approved for manufacture within the European Union as of April 2018.

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  1. I

    Ecall system, app and hands free failure

    I have had my MG EV Trophy LR for less than 2 weeks and already having a few issues and I'm wondering if they are all connected. The first issue is the ecall system is not working and the icon is red and has been permanently red for days. Then I can connect my phone, android auto, receive calls...
  2. F

    eCall system failure

    My recently acquired 2024 HS PHEV Trophy is displaying an "eCall system failure" message when parked on my drive. However when driving around last night I did press the SOS button just to see what would happen and it did get through to a call centre. I suspect this is is just a cell phone...
  3. Fluffykins

    eCall - is it likely to stop working for some?

    I'm in Australia at the moment, where there is a lot of steam and frothy water being made over the imminent shutdown of 3G mobile phone services. I just wondered if anyone knows which network protocol(s) eCall uses. If it's 3G things might get juicy in the not too distant future.
  4. J

    ecall failed

    ive had the issue of my ecall system keeps coming in and out of signal, it has started doing it a lot more lately 50/ 60 times a day, is there a way to turn this sos system off or reset it or silent the alarms
  5. KernowTrophy

    Possibly new glitch

    Car recently returned from a dealer who worked on it for 4 days clearing some minor niggles (LKA trying to kill, Emergency braking unexpectedly and not in an emergency, Infotainment screen blacking out, ecall assist has never worked since day 1, and bluetooth losing connection). Fingers crossed...
  6. A

    E call alarm onboard .

    ecall error has been appearing for 5 days now. top button flashes; but you can call emergencies. The alarm goes away and in a moment... it appears again. The selected country is Spain. any ideas ???
  7. maskull

    eCall System Fault

    I've had the "eCall System Fault" pop up randomly on my MG5 over over the last couple of weeks . The car seems to be driving normally and I've had no bumps ( other than the obligatory potholes on UK roads) . Any cause for concern ? Should I contact the dealer ? Or will they just fob me off ? ...
  8. S

    eCall SOS - terrible audio quality - garbled voices!

    I had the bad luck to need to call the emergency services while driving earlier today. I thought it would be a good idea to use the car's eCall SOS button, because it automatically transmits basic details about the car's location and would also save me having to handle my phone while driving...
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