energy consumption

Energy consumption is the amount of energy or power used.

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  1. L

    It's been a year, and the results are in...

    Our MG4 Trophy Long Range (second edition) has just had its first annual service (where they found the battery still to be operating at 100% :)), which prompts me to share the results of the records I have been keeping over the last year, each time I have charged the car (that's 141 charges in...
  2. B

    MG4 Luxury V1 energy consumption screen

    Hi, i got 24 plate V1 luxury. I can't see the AC consumption at the screen. Just drive consumption which seems to be combined. This is normal?
  3. jamherber

    Energy consumption screen - really?

    So for the first time since owning the car, I had a quick look at the energy consumption screen today, just for interest, and it seems to be reporting incorrect, optimistic data? So my 12 mile hilly commute this morning, the car used 7% of the battery (so ~4.3kwh of battery) - the report shows...
  4. R

    Energy consumption accuracy

    Hi all I've noticed a discrepancy on my MG5 PFL between the consumption reported on the dashboard and the one I calculated using the state of charge percentage before and after a trip. For example yesterday for a 70 mile trip the car reported a consumption of 4.0miles/kWh. However looking at the...
  5. carmelo


    I'm reaching out for insights or potential solutions to an issue I'm experiencing with my MG4. Initially, the car was performing efficiently at 15.5 kWh/100km (approx. 4 miles/kWh). However, following a fault and subsequent replacement of the AC compressor, I've noticed a significant increase in...
  6. Z

    Charging energy consumption

    Hi all, Where can I check how much energy the car has charged in the current charging session? I was unable to find this information in the car's infotainment system neither on the phone app. They both show only % values and estimated range in miles. The charger I usually use shows how much...
  7. halogen

    if you ever wonder what is the REAL range of 100%-0% in the SR ... you'll be surprised by this experiment.

    ok so this video was done by a group of friends, we decided to squeeze every % of the 51kwh capacity. we drove from Jakarta to Semarang city. city to city is about 460km. because the broschure said our SR WLTP range is about 425km, so we decided to start from the closest public charger to end...
  8. T

    Energy Consumption Display no AC usage?

    In almost three months of owning the car, I’ve actually never looked at this screen until today and noticed something (possibly) odd. It shows since the last charge total consumption of 11KWh, but no figure for the “AC and other consumers” We’re having 33°-35°C weather at the moment so I’ve...
  9. GaryMG4

    3 weeks and 1k miles so far

    Really enjoying driving my MG4 trophy, so much so I look for excuses to get out in it. Lifetime consumption over the 1K has been 4 miles per kWh. Mostly home charged on the granny lead with sunshine but I've tried a few public chargers partly to prepare myself for a trip to North York Moors...
  10. M

    Trophy Energy Consumption circular graph not working?

    Hi, this problem has been raised before but I could not find any solution. Do any Trophy owners have this feature working properly and if so what Infotainment software version do you have (mine is R33 which as far as I am aware is the latest)? Also if you have a SE LR does this feature work...
  11. iPaul

    "Current energy consumption trends" graph always blank

    Hi, Does anybody else have the issue with the energy consumption graph not populating with data as you drive? This is how the display on my MG4 Trophy always looks: Has anyone who has experienced this problem managed to get a fix it for it, and if so, how? Thanks, Paul
  12. G

    Cold weather anecdotes and warning

    It started getting cold around where I live in the last few weeks and while it's widely known that EV tend to become less efficient in the winter I feel like summarizing that do just an efficiency drop is not enough. I bought a MG ZS EV 2022 LR this year as my first EV so here are my cold...
  13. D

    Real World Energy Consumption

    I tried Wilsons at Epsom. Filled in an online request for service appointment because of the problems with MG4. No reply. I emailed the business manager [email protected]. No response. I charged my MG4 and it showed Battery state 98% estomated range 141 miles. Rather than 218 miles...
  14. Oberoy

    Energy consumption trend graph blank

    Had a search and can't find a thread on this, are other people getting data on the energy consumption trend graph? I have a Trophy and this has never displayed any information. Does anyone see data here and if so what model have you got?
  15. Big Al

    Energy Consumption Chart

    Was just watched a video on youtube, re fast charging an SE, and it dawned on me, that my energy consumption chart never shows anything, hadn't given it any thought until I saw the video. I've a Trophy running R30 on the Infotainment. Anyone else noticed this?
  16. Alb

    The Ultimate MG5 "Real World" Energy Consumption Thread

    This picks up and develops a previous thread that was a good idea but never developed. To contribute, you will need to reset your consumption display on the first of the month and post a pic of your Accumulated Total dash display on the last day of that month (or as soon thereafter as possible)...
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