ev experience

The Honda EV Plus was an experimental electric vehicle which was the first battery electric vehicle from a major automaker that did not use lead acid batteries. Roughly 340 EV Plus models were produced and released. Production of the EV Plus was discontinued in 1999 after Honda announced the release of its first hybrid electric vehicle, the Honda Insight.
The EV Plus served to test advanced battery chemistry in an electric car and also met California Air Resources Board requirements for zero-emission vehicles, like the General Motors EV1. It also tested the pancake-style motor, electronic control unit, power control unit and the Nickel–metal hydride battery (NiMH) later used in Honda hybrids and developed further in the first Honda FCX Fuel Cell Vehicles, which were rebuilt from returned (decommissioned) EV Plus chassis.

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  1. bedsev

    2000 mile cost comparison

    Feel free to merge with a more appropiate cost thread. Thought I'd share the cost of my first EV experience after reaching 2000 miles, given that I only public charge. I've spent £216 for 587kWh of energy. Taking into account the £45 bp pulse credit, delivery mileage and current remaining %...
  2. R


    Hello everyone I thought I would introduce myself after jumping onto the back of someone else's question. I have been lurking for a month or so and I have picked up my ZS on Friday. I have been researching the car for months and although there are many EV's on the market I kept coming back...
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