
Expectation damages are damages recoverable from a breach of contract by the non-breaching party. An award of expectation damages protects the injured party's interest in realising the value of the expectancy that was created by the promise of the other party. Thus, the impact of the breach on the promisee is to be effectively "undone" with the award of expectation damages.The purpose of expectation damages is to put the non-breaching party in the position it would have occupied had the contract been fulfilled. Expectation damages can be contrasted to reliance damages and restitution damages, which are remedies that address other types of interests of parties involved in enforceable promises.The default for expectation damages are monetary damages which are subject to limitations or exceptions (see below)
Expectation damages are measured by the diminution in value, coupled with consequential and incidental damages.

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  1. tsedge

    What's a reasonable expectation on how finished the software is on a new EV?

    This just came out, it is talking about Volvos, but raises points relevant to all EVs, including MG EVs:
  2. R

    ZS - 3rd service and MOT

    Due next month, anyone advise what to expect, so far first two services cost £106ea that appeared to be just visual inspections
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