
A feature film or feature-length film (often abbreviated to feature) is a narrative film (motion picture or "movie") with a running time long enough to be considered the principal or sole presentation in a commercial entertainment program. The term feature film originally referred to the main, full-length film in a cinema program that included a short film and often a newsreel. Matinee programs, especially in the US and Canada, in general, also included cartoons, at least one weekly serial and, typically, a second feature-length film on weekends.
The first narrative feature film was the 60-minute The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906, Australia). Other early feature films include Les Misérables (1909, U.S.), L'Inferno, Defence of Sevastopol (1911), Oliver Twist (American version), Oliver Twist (British version), Richard III, From the Manger to the Cross, Cleopatra (1912), Quo Vadis? (1913), Cabiria (1914) and The Birth of a Nation (1915).

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  1. zorrolegend

    How to turn off cyberster ev safety feature for good

    my cyberster the mg pilot keeps defaulting back to its standard settings how do i turn it off? Even when i exit the car lock it and make sure it stays that way.
  2. subfiver

    What an excellent design feature ...

    I didn't know the key fob did this. I only found out when I pulled my keys outa my jean's pocket to find I no longer own a fob. It's come adrift sometime today, out and about somewhere. (The wife's fob pictured) Dealer tomorrow then .... 😢
  3. A

    Intelligent speed limiter bug or feature

    I think I've found a bug or its a fault my my MG4 Trophy 2023 with the Intelligent speed limiter. when I start the car and set the intelligent speed limiter on you get 3 dots in a red circle because you have not pass any speed sign, that's correct, drive and as soon as you approach or pass a...
  4. P

    Does the MG4 app have a notification feature for finished charging?

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  5. MG4London

    Removable batteries such a useful feature on an EV

    This is the first EV with removable batteries How long before battery tech will get so advanced that batteries become small and light enough to put in your bag?
  6. S

    Another new (to me) "feature"

    Turned into a parking space with full right lock today and left the car parked like that. When I got back in I got a "centre the steering" message and it would not give me the "ready" until I'd done so.
  7. Smart Peripherals?

    There is a smart peripherals option on the ismart app but when selected always says unable to get data... has anyone ever used this feature and if so what is it? Apologies if already asked on this forum
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