
Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical function, that has the best fit to a series of data points, possibly subject to constraints. Curve fitting can involve either interpolation, where an exact fit to the data is required, or smoothing, in which a "smooth" function is constructed that approximately fits the data. A related topic is regression analysis, which focuses more on questions of statistical inference such as how much uncertainty is present in a curve that is fit to data observed with random errors. Fitted curves can be used as an aid for data visualization, to infer values of a function where no data are available, and to summarize the relationships among two or more variables. Extrapolation refers to the use of a fitted curve beyond the range of the observed data, and is subject to a degree of uncertainty since it may reflect the method used to construct the curve as much as it reflects the observed data.
For linear-algebraic analysis of data, "fitting" usually means trying to find the curve that minimizes the vertical (y-axis) displacement of a point from the curve (e.g., ordinary least squares). However, for graphical and image applications, geometric fitting seeks to provide the best visual fit; which usually means trying to minimize the orthogonal distance to the curve (e.g., total least squares), or to otherwise include both axes of displacement of a point from the curve. Geometric fits are not popular because they usually require non-linear and/or iterative calculations, although they have the advantage of a more aesthetic and geometrically accurate result.

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  1. Noel

    Accessories/Mud flaps

    Hi all. Has anybody managed to find a set of 4 mud flaps for the MG ZS Hybrid+ ? There are universal sets, sets for earlier ZS models, or other MG SUV’s etc models. But there is no real way to find out if they will fit, without drilling holes.
  2. P

    Floor mats

    Had the XPower for nearly month now. Ordered a set of mats and the drivers one doesn’t fit quite right. What are others using please and a link to where they were ordered from would be helpful?
  3. C

    Tow bar fitting

    I’ve had my MG4 Trophy a week now and really pleased with it. Contemplating fitting a tow bar to carry a cycle rack and pull a small trailer for camping. Has anyone had one fitted, did it cause any issues with the car and what affect did it have on battery drain?
  4. gerrydoorstop

    Car Mats

    I was treated to a present of car mats for a ZS Hybrid however my car is a ZS Hybrid Plus. Are they likely to fit or will i need to return and get different ones? Thanks
  5. X

    Roof Bar System//Roof Racks

    Hi, I'm looking at purchasing a new MG ZS Hybrid +, but an essential requirement for myself is to fit roof racks (for a bike carrier). The Australian MG website doesn't reflect any official roof rack accessories to fit. Anyone know what system will be appropriate for the vehicle? Any...
  6. Ian Key

    Fitting a tow-bar invalidates insurance

    An article in Auto Express says that if you don't tell your insurance company that you have a tow-bar fitted to your car they may cancel your insurance as it's classified as a modification.
  7. salty

    What have you got, that's lasted you for years and years. ??

    As per title, what things have you got, appliances, tools, etc,etc that's lasted for years and years. I've had a new Washing machine, delivered and fitted today. Had the last one well over 30 years. ???
  8. DaevM

    Fitting new reg plates. A couple of queries.

    As my period of taking the full glory of owning a new '24 reg car ( my first ownership from new) comes to an end on Sunday I've invested in a private reg to swap in when '74 becomes 'the thing' , Sunday....or mebbes Monday, depending on admin availability. A couple of queries if I may ? 1. Can...
  9. barry7153

    Number plates

    Have just bought personalised number plates for my mg4 trophy and wondering if there's a guide to removing old and fitting new.
  10. MonsterMonster

    MG Jack & jacking point

    I bought an MG space saver wheel with jack from MG but I cannot see where the jack fits. The manual on page 232 says "Note that the domed head of the jack must fit into the corresponding recess in the sill plate (There is a triangle indicator ...)". The jack has no doomed head and I cannot see...
  11. Silver estate

    Fitting 12V socket in boot

    Has any one fitted a 12V socket in the boot and how did you do it , take it from ?
  12. Philekent

    Don't Forget

    Since buying our latest ZS LR, I have remembered to dig out my old car molding tool kit THE first thing to go-to before trying to fit most accessories etc. Wish I'd had the kit, back when I started accessorising my cars, in 19xx.
  13. O

    Screw type

    After buying many products "made in China" and finding that both pozi drive and philips screwdrivers are just not quite right, and years of "fixing" Japanese motorbikes without having JIS screwdrivers, does any one definitively know what cross head screw type MG use. Or is there now a Chinese...
  14. Does anybody know (towbar)

    Hi I have an mg 4 LRT can I have a towbar fitted; will it work ok?
  15. NeFo


    I have an MG5 LR pre-facelift. I also have a generic cycle-carrier (that fitted a Skoda Fabia estate) - straps onto the rear window above the number-plate. i will see if it fits the MG. Does anyone know if this model is designed to carry this accessory?
  16. D

    MGZS Excite 2021

    Can anyone advise of someone who can fit a disabilty hoist to an MG ZS EXCITE 2021 MODEL SUV at a reasonable cost preferably Armadle or local area
  17. D

    MG5 Facelift Tow Bar

    Has anyone had a towbar fitted. I'm trying to get my dealer to cost one but was contemplating non mg option. Any details would be gratefully accepted
  18. A

    MG4 towbar warranty

    Having bought a MG4 trophy and need a towbar fitted, on phoning around my local MG dealers all say they don't fit towbars and should go to a specialist towbar installer. After speaking to an installer they said the towbar would be a witter and an universal wiring kit (including bypass) because...
  19. dsimpkins

    Did you get any MG4 related presents for Christmas?

    I got a set of mud flaps for my MG4, and I've been out already and fitted them :D They were easy to fit, and I hope they stop the sides of the car getting quite so mucky, especially the sills. Did anybody else get any MG4 related gifts today?
  20. J

    Charging cover flap

    Hi all. First post in a while, as the car has been great with not one issue. 12000 miles in. Does anyone know how the charging flap assembly is fitted. More specifically the body colour outer flap looks like it is clipped onto the inner flap hinge assembly. I suspect someone has walked into...
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