foam pad

A foam weapon, also known as a boffer, padded weapon, or latex weapon, is a padded mock weapon used for simulated handheld combat. Such weapons are used in simulated battles called battle gaming and in some live action role-playing games (LARPs).

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  1. dsimpkins

    Sustainable air freshener

    I got this today as a Father's day gift from my eldest daughter, it's a Supagard sustainable air freshener. The disc flips open, and inside is a foam pad which you put drops of scented oil onto. The back of the disc has holes in, and it clips onto any air vent using a rubber coated clip. It's...
  2. Wendwell

    Uncomfortable Left Knee Due to Central Well' Hardness

    Does anyone else find their left knee feels uncomfortable resting against the hard surface of the structure between the two front seats? It is worse for me in cold weather; that is the ache begins sooner. This only happens to me on longer journeys when I prefer to lean my left knee. Perhaps the...
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