
Anti-fog agents, also known as anti-fogging agents and treatments, are chemicals that prevent the condensation of water in the form of small droplets on a surface which resemble fog. Anti-fog treatments were first developed by NASA during Project Gemini, and are now often used on transparent glass or plastic surfaces used in optical applications, such as the lenses and mirrors found in glasses, goggles, camera lenses, and binoculars. The treatments work by minimizing surface tension, resulting in a non-scattering film of water instead of single droplets. This works by altering the degree of wetting. Anti-fog treatments usually work either by application of a surfactant film, or by creating a hydrophilic surface.

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  1. fshuk1

    Humidity on the inside of front screen (merged)

    [ Moderator: There seem to be a lot of threads on misting at this time of year. I may merge more threads here later. ] I was wondering if anyone else is suffering from humidity on the inside of the front screen. I am not talking about misting, which is usual. Every morning the car has...
  2. allesich

    Windshield fogging

    Has anyone experienced the MG5 to be especially prone to windshield fogging? I already stored a de-humidifier in the boot and try to use external air as much as possible. The letter improved the situation a bit. But still there is an excessive amount of humidity coming from somewhere.
  3. VenumX

    "fogging" of front windshield

    Hi , I have had a small accident with my EHS and they forgot to put back 5 screws in the front bumper. The dealer fixed that with no issues. But I have a different problem. The EHS I have now , has a problem with the front windshield fogging up , but ONLY on the driver's side. (Has nothing...
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