folding wing mirror

A handkerchief (; also called a hankie or, historically, a handkercher or a fogle) is a form of a kerchief or bandanna, typically a hemmed square of thin fabric which can be carried in the pocket or handbag for personal hygiene purposes such as wiping one's hands or face, or blowing one's nose. A handkerchief is also sometimes used as a purely decorative accessory in the breast pocket of a suit; it can then be called a pocket square. A handkerchief is also an important accessory in many folk-dances in many regions like the Balkans and the Middle East; an example of a folk-dance featuring handkerchiefs is the Greek Kalamatianós.

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    Folding in Door Mirror on tight roads

    Hi All, Ive a 72 plate MG4 Trophy. Does anyone know how to fold the wing mirrors in while driving forward at a slow speed? The road I attempt this on during my commute is a tight 2 way road. I use the wing mirror controller toggle and pushing that down folds the mirrors in while I go over a...
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