front seam

A pleat (plait in older English) is a type of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and securing it in place. It is commonly used in clothing and upholstery to gather a wide piece of fabric to a narrower circumference.
Pleats are categorized as pressed, that is, ironed or otherwise heat-set into a sharp crease, or unpressed, falling in soft rounded folds. Pleats sewn into place are called tucks.

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  1. G

    Condensation leaking from Muffler

    I have noticed that each time I drive my MG3 Hybrid, and Park it in my garage, that there is a puddle of water that appears under the front edge of the rear muffler. Crawling under the car with an inspection camera I can see the water dripping from the front seam of the muffler (there is no...
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