
Fun is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "Light-hearted pleasure, enjoyment, or amusement; boisterous joviality or merrymaking; entertainment".

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  1. Bricktop X PWR

    A bit of Friday Fun... Name That Tune. (Car)!

  2. salty

    Ok, you lot. What did you get for Crimbo? 🎅🎄🎁

    I'll start. 2 Bottles of Bailey's and a Peaky Blinders Calender and Erm? 🤔 That's it. They obviously didn't get the Cyberster GT hint. 🤣😉🙂👍
  3. 4

    First 2000 km with MG3

    My odometer just passed the 2.000 km (1.242 miles) and my impressions are very good with MG3. No problems so far (fortunately). Pros: Acceleration. Better than expected. As far as I can remember this is the only case that the claimed 0-100 time is worse than the actual. Many tests report 7 to...
  4. D

    More charging fun times.

    Tried to charge at a CPS site, plugged into the rapid, took several attempts to get the car to charge but eventually did at an earth-shattering 26kW or so, went back to the car an hour later to move it onto one of the numerous AC posts so as not to hog the only rapid. Post authenticated the...
  5. D

    Just for fun...20 miles / kWh - how long have you seen it

    obviously i was parked at the top of a hill before starting off going down, but i was interested that the mi/kWh maxed out at 20. I sustained this for 2 miles before I had to actually apply power and it went back to normal. just for fun i thought id see if anyone else had got it to 20 and if...
  6. N

    Driving for fun?

    Does any one do this anymore? I had the (good)misfortune to be diverted through some East Sussex country lanes on my way to visit my Mum in Bexhill from my work in East London. While the diversion was initially annoying it took me through some fantastic fast narrow country lanes where I was...
  7. Ferretusmaximus

    In out, in out, (with some) shake it all about

    Inforbrainmelt scream dun gone dolally: View Video Such fun....
  8. Bricktop X PWR

    Bit Of Fun On A Tuesday.

    Can you please tell me what you are looking at. Clue, it is NOT the trees or the clouds or the sky and there is nothing but trees, clouds and sky in the picture. I'll send some Ferrero Rocher to the first correct answer. ?
  9. X

    First day tips

    Picking up a distinctly ‘fizzy orange’ trophy/luxury tomorrow. Does anyone have any tips for first day with your MG4? Checking for well known faults? Or just have some fun? Sooo excited! First decent car ever had!
  10. O

    Ceci n,est pas une pipe

    After a bit of hooning around and discovering that the go faster pedal has more travel than my better half has up to now not allowed, I can say that this is not a car , its a ruddy time machine. With 62 years on the clock and lots of years of no claims bonuses and a nice clean licence ( about to...
  11. T

    Highest GOM - just for fun ;)

    Can anyone beat this ... ? I know it won't give me 300+ miles, but made me smile ... Pre FL MG5 (LR) :)
  12. Mr H


    A healthy discussion. As you don't have to have the green stripe on your number plates as an EV owner. Im thinking about having my front number plate display the green stripe and not on the rear. Why I hear you asking. As there are no benefits at the moment for having them on your number plate...
  13. Pebble

    Maximum speed in reverse

    Just for fun..... Does the Leaf still hold the record and what's the fastest you've been in reverse? Nissan Leaf Sets Reverse Speed Record at Goodwood [video] I tried it the other day on along driveway at work and got up to 15mph and bottled out lol. The acceleration in reverse was just as...
  14. StackH

    Ordered - now the fun begins

    Had a test drive today, and was impressed enough to place an order. LR Trophy in orange, which will apparently be here in about 8 weeks. That might be a bit optimistic, but we’ll see. I was slightly annoyed by the car not coming with either a Type 2 cable or mats, but I guess I’ll stump up the...
  15. Lestrade

    Very odd tyre pressure display fun!!!

    Out of the blue I had my tyre pressure warning for both front tyres. 3 days later it disappeared and the manual says to contact MG dealer to rectify. All pressures were correct and no loss. Yesterday warning again for rear offside. All pressures were correct again and no loss. I have an...
  16. Big Nige

    Just a bit of Fun- and a question.

    Right, being a bit nerdy I have a 3D printer and too much time on my hands… Inspired by the old MG BGT badge I created this the other day and printed it out. Ignore the colour, it’s just what was in the printer while I was printing a bracket out. I need to do a bit more experimenting with...
  17. I

    Chargepoint dashboard (aka fun with XML (and JSON))

    Hi, thought I'd venture out of the MG5 forum to talk about a little project I've got on the go. The aim is to have a quick and easy way for me to see the status of the charge points in my area, so I can go and grab a charge when I need to. I've got a quick 'n dirty powershell script that...
  18. TassiedEVil

    Just a bit of fun…

    I thought I would post this spoof video - admittedly it’s five years old now but Ithought it might cheer up those of you with BMS problems, range anxiety, charger concerns, etc etc etc….Enjoy and hope it makes you smile! #SNL - Julia Louis-Dreyfus Does Commercial For Battery-Operated Mercedes AA...
  19. Dave S

    Fun Day Out or Madness? 285 round trip today!!!!!!!

    Hello all, I responded to a request on a recent EVA Scotland Webinar with SWARCO for volunteers to conduct an audit on the ChargePlace charger points in or around the north of Scotland. Earlier this wee, I've done about 7 or 8 in the area around Dingwall about 15 miles to the north of me. But...
  20. TassiedEVil

    A bit of watery fun with a MG ZS EV!!

    For those Australian owners/drivers/interested spectators, this is a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun regarding our PM's comment about EVs 'ruining the weekend'. Apparently there is even a Facebook group devoted to his anti-EV sermon - which he denies. Whoopsie.
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