general chat

A general merchant store (also known as general merchandise store, general dealer, village shop, or country store) is a rural or small-town store that carries a general line of merchandise. It carries a broad selection of merchandise, sometimes in a small space, where people from the town and surrounding rural areas come to purchase all their general goods. The store carries routine stock and obtains special orders from warehouses. It differs from a convenience store or corner shop in that it will be the main shop for the community rather than a convenient supplement.
General stores often sell staple food items such as milk and bread, and various household goods such as hardware and electrical supplies. The concept of the general store is very old, and although some still exist, there are far fewer than there once were, due to urbanization, urban sprawl, and the relatively recent phenomenon of big-box stores. The term "general merchandise store" is also used to describe a hybrid of a department store, with a wide selection of goods, and a discount store, with low prices. Examples include J. C. Penney and Sears.

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  1. Big Ears

    Insurance premium hikes

    I'm not sure how true this is but knowing insurance companies I'd not doubt it.
  2. salty

    What is this? ?

    Anyone know what this is? ? Anyone got one? ?
  3. Rolfe

    What the hell is this?

  4. salty

    Other car forums and EVs. ?

    Anyone go on other car forum's apart from this? Because the utter Shite that's spouted about EVs, is unbelievable, although sometimes it's actually that daft, it's funny. ?o_O:oops::rolleyes: Even though I haven't got an EV yet, I find myself sticking up for them, although May aswell bang me...
  5. tsedge

    Octopus Smart Meter Reading Visits?

    Just had a chap claiming to be from Octopus saying he needed to read the meters - but we have smart meters that are accessible remotely and mean we don't need meter readings! He claimed it was a legal requirement. I sent him on his way. Anyone else had this?
  6. Les burrows

    Vehicles blocking chargers beware.

    Here what’s need to remove vehicles that are not plugged in or charging in EV bays. Les
  7. AdamMGEV

    iSmart 2.0 app woes [merged - all discussion in here please]

    So the MG app used to work with our mg4... not perfectly but enough. Now it won't put the heating on remotely, it just says status unknown and setting the max charge rate seems a little random whether it saves or not. I've never got the keyless start to work, I just tend to not bother with it...
  8. B

    MG Assistance -or Not!

    I broke down on my drive on Sat 4th Nov with the error message Vehicle Control Fault on my ZS EV I called MG Assistance where an AA mechanic turned up. After trying all he could he said that it needs recovering to MG. imagine my surprise when my local dealer where I recently had it serviced...
  9. Jto

    One week ago all of you waiting on cars

  10. Les burrows

    EV Battery information plain and simple.

    Plain straight forward advice on EV Batteries from Ginny and electrifying
  11. Les burrows

    Interesting video I thought all be it not MG related

    Not MG related by a good watch Les
  12. evcog

    New friends at Fully Charged Show North

    At the recent Fully Charged Show, Harrogate, in May I had the opportunity to meet many new friends. Not only Robert Lewellyn, who is one of the nicest people who promote the future, but also a show photographer who kindly sent me these photographs. Did I mention that I also met Miles Roberts...
  13. G

    Taking you car to France?

    Interesting article in the Guardian Britons driving to France warned over clean air fines
  14. S

    Charging Adapters

    Hi All, Getting really frustrated with the limited 6.6kw charging on AC - plugging into a 22kw charger at work and i can only use it for 2hrs due to the fair use policy and its just not fast enough. why MG restricted the normal type3 charge to 6.6kw is beyond me excluding super chargers...
  15. Mitch AC DC


    It has suddenly occurred to me, was it Fated or just a Coincidence :unsure:, that 4 years before I bought a "Black EV car", I named my twin Black Kittens AC / DC ??? p.s I Do happen to like the band AC/DC quite a lot { not a coincidence } :love::ROFLMAO:
  16. A

    Possible enhancement?

    Just a thought... There seems to be occasional confusion when people answer a question referring to a different car. Although the member info displayed may say a car type (e.g. MG5) it doesn't pin it down any further, e.g. Type 1, FL or the spec level. Could the list not be expanded to include...
  17. wandle MG4 trophy

    Fully Charged Show Farnborough

    A few thoughts on my visit to the Fully Charged show on Friday. Use discount code FCLEXH10 (kindly offered by Easee One) for a 10% discount Also select the Patreon / YouTube supporter option when you order your tickets. (There’s no check that you subscribe to these channels- though I do)...
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