
A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system, such as a transient fault that corrects itself, making it difficult to troubleshoot. The term is particularly common in the computing and electronics industries, in circuit bending, as well as among players of video games. More generally, all types of systems including human organizations and nature experience glitches.
A glitch, which is slight and often temporary, differs from a more serious bug which is a genuine functionality-breaking problem. Alex Pieschel, writing for Arcade Review, said: "'bug' is often cast as the weightier and more blameworthy pejorative, while 'glitch' suggests something more mysterious and unknowable inflicted by surprise inputs or stuff outside the realm of code." The word itself is sometimes humorously described as being short for "gremlins lurking in the computer hardware."

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  1. Loveclose

    Occasional glitch - can't select D or R after switch on

    This glitch has happened twice now last week, and I wondered if anyone else had experienced it? I get in, sit down and the car activates itself. I get a 'turn steering wheel' instruction in the driver's dash. I can't even move the steering wheel - it's dead centre and unmoveable. I then...
  2. Loveclose

    First charging glitch

    OK, so after 9 months or so, I had my first public charging glitch.... Quick top up charge needed at Ionity Chobbam at the M25 services. Ionity is linked with Eloctroverse which gives you a few pence off Ionity's rate. I draw up to the number 6 bay...Ionity says it's free, Electroverse says...
  3. Simon853

    Ever had the car fail to go into drive/reverse?

    Last week I experienced a weird glitch where I couldn't engage reverse. It'd go into drive, but not reverse. Then yesterday leaving work it wouldn't engage drive. In both cases I had to power off the whole car and then back on and it was fine. (Also had another glitch today where the radio...
  4. KernowTrophy

    Possibly new glitch

    Car recently returned from a dealer who worked on it for 4 days clearing some minor niggles (LKA trying to kill, Emergency braking unexpectedly and not in an emergency, Infotainment screen blacking out, ecall assist has never worked since day 1, and bluetooth losing connection). Fingers crossed...
  5. A new Software glitch!

    A new fault that isn't Lane Killer! This car won't stop giving me these gifts and I've told it not to, it's going, anyways... I have a latest firmware for the Infotainment and I on the whole like it. HVAC is sorted and I have the new options for the Left hand convenience button on the wheel. I...
  6. PedroPhev

    Display freeze

    Had a new glitch today. Mid journey about 3 hours in, the display froze on the media page, audible navigation commands still working but no amount of button pushing would override the media display page. Pulled over and went straight for an infotainment system reset, press and hold the home...
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