
In percussion, grip refers to the manner in which the player holds the sticks or mallets, whether drum sticks or other mallets.
For some instruments, such as triangles and large gongs, only one mallet or beater is normally used, held either in one hand or in both hands for larger beaters. For others, such as snare drums, two beaters are often used, one in each hand. More rarely, more than one beater may be held in one hand; for example, when four mallets are used on a vibraphone, or when a kit drummer performs a cymbal roll by holding two soft sticks in one hand while keeping a rhythm with the other.

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  1. Brendon19

    Winter Handling

    My MG4 Trophy during the periods of frost, dirty rural roads and salting slides all over the place. The tyres have done 18k miles and have plenty of of tread, but it’s very twitchy. Slightly better in weak recovery mode or snow mode. But some days are very uncomfortable. Any tips, I’ve already...
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